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(golf set for sale Jim Michael, Sean Morgan and Mike Summerville Named 2012 Titleist Sales Representatives of Year: new section)
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[[:Category:Templates]] has been populated with every template we have, and I deleted <nowiki>[[Template:Toggle]] and [[Template:PrettyTable]]</nowiki> because they were weird and unused. If you make a new template be sure to add noincludes and the category after the template so every page the template's on doesn't also get tagged as being a template. {{User:Mike/Sig}} 09:28, 7 May 2012 (MSK)
[[:Category:Templates]] has been populated with every template we have, and I deleted <nowiki>[[Template:Toggle]] and [[Template:PrettyTable]]</nowiki> because they were weird and unused. If you make a new template be sure to add noincludes and the category after the template so every page the template's on doesn't also get tagged as being a template. {{User:Mike/Sig}} 09:28, 7 May 2012 (MSK)
== windows server ome 大変快適に使えるようになった  ==
本来出るはずの、PGBKの下半分が印刷されていません。 ついでこちらMinecraftも問題なく動きました。 <a href=>windows8 格安</a> 
今まで金属でしか対応できなかった領域への樹脂の活用が進んでいます。 ソフトによっては、自分で意識して、保存場所を指定しないと、ソフト自体が決めた場所に保存する場合がありますので探すのが大変ですよ。 
<a href=>オフィス2013 認証</a> 何かと面倒でございますなぁ・・・( ゚Д゚)ヒョエーそれでも、なんとか過去に作成したデータのバックアップがとれていたので、助かりました。 なんでも、普通の電源ではないそうで修理不可と!XPだったので、新しいPCの購入を決めました。 
<a href=>win7 pro</a> 
DVD DecrypterでDVDコピーできないエラーが少なくなる。 キーボードドックは、サイズが幅263.0×高さ13.95×奥行き171.0mmで、重さは約600g。 <a href=>Office pro</a> 
chcpコマンドのCode pageについて、technet(2012)のこのページだけだと情報が足りなかったので調べた。 私のおすすめ:                                                ジャストシステム ホームページ・ビルダー19 スタンダード 通常版 返品種別B。 
<a href=>windows8 プロダクトキー</a> 「スーパーセキュリティZERO」がバージョンアップ!世界No.1検知率を誇るBitdefender社エンジンを使用し、Windows 8にも対応。 ※修正ベンチ計測PCのメモリがDDR3-2400になっていました。 
<a href=>win8 pro</a>
== office認証 歌と編曲を勉強しておいて良かった  ==
同じ沖縄県民でありながら、基地内で働いている、あるいは、仕事で基地内に出入りする &shy;地元の女性が &quot;Bitch&quot; と呼ばれることもしばしばです。 終了後、みんなの両角穣幹事長が、自民の吉­原修幹事長に抗議した。 [url=]office2013 pro[/url] 
その後、予報警報事項に変更はない(9月26日現在)。  具体的には、「Chromeブラウザーには自動更新機能(私のは、古いからか、設定が悪いからか、自動更新はしない)があり、Chromeを立ち上げるごとに常に最新のバージョンを利用できる」ため、ユーザーが意識する必要がないという。 
[url=]office 2010 激安[/url] 現場によっては32時終わりとかあるので、まあ慣れてます。  さらに、NATOサイバー防衛センター(CCD COE:Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence)がNATOのサイバー防衛に関する研究や訓練などを行う機関として認可された18。 
[url=]オフィス2013 認証[/url] 
 そして、先週も「Yahoo!ショッピング」、「知名度アップキャンペーン!」にて、 ご落札、ご入札いただいた方、覗いてくださった方々、ありがとうございました。 今回購入した物は、電源入らずキーボード不良液晶割れと揃って3000円です。 [url=]office2013 購入[/url] 
そうすることで、キモオタの存在価値が上がると考えます。 もともと若狭塗りばしを製造・販売していたが、ディズニーなどのライセンスを取得した後は、100円ショップを主な取引先として事業基盤を拡大した。 
[url=]オフィス2013 ライセンス認証[/url] さて今回は、モンクレールのダウンコートの袖口の汚れです。 パソコンクラブでもWordではなく、LibreOfficeのWriter、Excelではなく、LibreOfficeのCalcを中心に学んできました。 
[url=]office2013 認証[/url]
== windows 8 価格 伝記も読むくらいにハマりました  ==
それなりの年齢(?)の女性ばかりでなく若い女の子さえシャンプーするのは2,3日ごとでも回数が多い方で、一週間に一回という女性も珍しくありません。 それとも、青い食べ物って不気味だから、確かにダイエットには効果的かもしれませんね。 [url=]アドビ 激安[/url] 
私は全く知らない化粧品メーカーですがタカシマヤとか大丸など大手百貨店などに店舗があるそうで高級感あふれるパッケージです。 その際、① 防衛省・自衛隊の能力・態勢強化② 民間も含めた国全体の取組への寄与③ 同盟国を含む国際社会との協力を基本方針として取組を進めていくこととしている。 
[url=]Acrobat 11 認証[/url] ↑こちらは袖口ライン畦ニットショートプルオーバー、1800円。 烏坎(Wukan)について、以下の記事を読んで貰いたい。 
[url=]office2010 oem[/url] 
「Q.子犬に赤ちゃん言葉で話しかけることはありますか?」には「もちろんあります」「Q.韓国でのライブは雨が降って感動しました」というファンに、「僕も感動でした。 いずれにせよ、ビルゲイツ氏の真意が気になります。 [url=]Acrobat 11 ダウンロード[/url] 
サイバー空間と安全保障 近年の情報通信技術(ICT:Information and Communications Technology)の発展により、インターネットなどの情報通信ネットワークは人々の生活のあらゆる側面において必要不可欠なものになっている。 流石に2匹、膝の上は疲れます)途中のサービスエリアの御在所と静岡で休憩をしました。 
[url=]Adobe Acrobat 11[/url] ⑤ その後「参照」ボタンをクリックし保存するフォルダを指定します。                  でもたまには、                 ジーンズ以外のカジュアルも欲しくなる。 
[url=]Adobe Acrobat 11 pro[/url]
== ゴルフ sldr 丸石、いいの出してきましたね~  ==
でも、その後はアプローチ&パットが好調で、パーとボギーでしのぎます。  昨日ゴルフ教室でヒントに成った両肩のラインが早く開かない事に明日も集中してスイングを作って行くつもりだ。 [url=]初心者 ゴルフセット テーラーメイド sldr[/url] 
時は元禄14年、播州赤穂藩主、浅野内匠頭長矩公は、江戸城本丸大廊下、通称、松の廊下にて、三州吉良藩主にして高家肝煎左近衛権少将、吉良上野介義央公を──って、戻しスギ田玄白・・・。  JAPANは決勝トーナメントへ駒を進められるのでしょうか。 
[url=]ゴルフ sldr[/url]  ★韓国の5,000万人に人口に対して、13億人いる中国で、2割の人口が裕福だとしたら、  2億6千万人が、その内の10%がゴルフをすれば、末恐ろしくゴルフ人口となる。 だけど、結構つかまっている感じもあって、かなり好感触です。 
[url=]キャロウェイ x22 中古[/url] 
グリップは、イオミックです、なかなか出会えないギアですね、。 ただし水置換オイルには長期防錆性能が良くないものもあるようだ。 [url=]中古 ゴルフ 大阪[/url] 
手数料は、固定報酬型では純資産額の最大年率2.1%で、成功報酬併用型では純資産額の最大年率1.575%と成功報酬10.5%です。 株式、海外債券、オルタナティブ、キャッシュの比率が異なる6つのモデルがあります。 
[url=]キャロウェイ アイアン 価格[/url] デザートは《 洋梨のタルトタタン風 》洋梨のコンポートも勿論手作り。  駅と逆方向に歩きます、、、18時過ぎです。 
[url=]中古アイアンセット 人気 ゴルフクラブ 人気[/url]
== ミズノゴルフアイアンセット そしてこれからもお世話になりますし  ==
「血中酸素濃度」なんて、計らなくったって、「低酸素状態」になれば、自分で判るじゃないか。 トレーナー来て言うとやはりネックでは当たった時の感触は同じでも距離が出ないとの事。 [url=]バーナー テーラーメイド[/url] 
しかし、年齢的に考えて、今がマッスルを買う最後のチャンスかも知れない・・・。 肝機能障害についてはアピキサバンでは重度の肝障害を有する患者,エドキサバンでは高度の肝障害のある患者。 
[url=]キャロウェイ xhot pro[/url] 飛び込み位置が少し違うと思い調整していたら時間切れで終わり置きピンは難しいです、、、(-_-;)。 包丁に使用する場合は使う前に良く洗い流すこと、といった注意書きのある刃物油もある。 
[url=]ap2 714 評価[/url] 
驚きの連続に鬼奴が大号泣すると、佐藤はガッツポーズで喜んだ。 また、当該ファンドに充当している資金だけでなく、保有している金融資産・不動産などすべてを総合的に判断し今後の方針を決めていく必要があります。 [url=]ap2 714 評価[/url] 
まぁ結果から言うとテーラーメイドは未だに白いヘッドを販売していますのでそんなに痛々しい訳でも無いのですが。 幕内通算成績は35場所で254勝10敗2分14預5無勝負。 
[url=]ゴルフクラブ新品 ミズノ jpx[/url] 8年前に上海のBMWチャンピオンシップで Gノーマンより娘が貰ったサインです。 2/16(月) 今日は仕事終わって一人で牛久の打ちっ放しに行って来た。 
== office2013 格安 本名、川村 雪絵(読み同じ)  ==
それと、忘れちゃいけないのがブラック魔王!僕の悪役贔屓の原点ともいえる存在かもしれません(^_^)ねずみ男もそうですけど、「ワルい奴なのに憎めない」、そんな役柄を演じさせたら天下一の名優だったと思います。 片岡 沙耶(かたおか さや、1993年7月18日 - )は、日本のタレント、グラビアアイドルである。 [url=]office2010 認証[/url] 
金ちゃんやクマちゃんに比べれば、まだまだ小さいけど、元気です。 ザ・ビートルズ THE U.S. BOX高かったですが、十分満足させてもらいました。 
[url=]windows8.1 格安[/url] また、3月から翌年2月までラジオ「オールナイトニッポン」金曜日第2部を担当している。 ○ 藤タカシ情報から→ 『11月17日伊勢崎市ライブは、 オ-プニングアクトに、群 馬で、伝説のバンド、「ロ-グ」の関係のメンバ-のドンカル ロス率いるバンドも一 緒にやるので、またより以上の事が出来て、繋がって行ける事 願ってます』と。 
[url=]office2010 認証[/url] 
アムイは青銅スパークレンスで変身!完全復活した光の巨人、ウルトラマンティガ!!不完全だったツバサのティガが出来なかったタイプチェンジも披露し、デラシウム光流でドグーフとドグラマグマは粉砕された。 オススメのシーンは「パンストの上からのマッサージ。 [url=]windows8 os[/url] 
6月20日に大阪、同21日に東京で開催予定。 毎回違った音楽性でチャレンジする姿勢は素晴らしいと思います。 
[url=]windows8.1 認証[/url] 受験、仕事、恋愛、政治など当時の若者の支持を得た。 あの金額で全国均一で、追跡できるってのがすごい良かったのにー。 
[url=]office2013 pro[/url]
== office2013 購入 またまた メーカーへ電話です  ==
最新バージョン5.5.0は10月10日にリリースされました。 /■山梨県版フィリピン パブ Google Earth 山梨県▲山梨県版は現在、Google Earth のリンクが準備中の為古いデータが有ります。 [url=]windows8 Professional[/url] 
実際に乗車したのは、隣の車両のこちらの キハ48-1520 でした。 ②寄せられにくい金には2枚ヒモが付いていて、玉は端に逃げる非常手段があります。 
[url=]windows7 購入[/url] Windows10のプレビュー版をインストールした人が結構良さそうだとネットに書いていた。 このほか、近況アップデート画面の「今どんな気持ち?」は「なにしてるん?」、「友達、スポット等を検索」が「友達、スポット等を検索せえへん?」などとなる。 
[url=]windows7 ライセンス認証[/url] 
ひどいときは『朝、ハイキュー見た(4話)』だけで終わってたりします。 この性質を利用して,微小な変位をするアクチュエータやセンサなどに利用することができる。 [url=]windows7 ダウンロード版[/url] 
今回の『日本語(関西)』版でも、ごっつええ感じのFacebookをアピってくから、一つよろしゅうお願いしまっせ」と、ノリノリだ。 まぁ忙しくてブログに載せてるパソコンとかスマホは100分の1程度ですが汗これからも更新頑張ります?のでよろしくお願い申し上げます。 
[url=]windows7 販売[/url] 依然購入していたDVDを見て、サービスレシーブのイメージをつかむ。 追加は2GBも追加すれば十分ではあるが、ここでけちっても意味がない。 
[url=]windows ome[/url]
== golf set for sale Jim Michael, Sean Morgan and Mike Summerville Named 2012 Titleist Sales Representatives of Year  ==
Posted: April 29, 2014                            FAIRHAVEN, Mass. (April 29, 2014) &ndash; New Titleist Vokey TVD wedges, designed by Master Craftsman Bob Vokey, provide golfers with the performance and versatility for improved shotmaking through new Spin Milled TX3 grooves and the tour&rsquo;s most popular shapes and grinds.Vokey TVD wedges are the result of Vokey&rsquo;s continuous collaboration with the best players in the world. Since 2004, Vokey Design wedges have been the #1 wedge on the PGA Tour and the most played wedge at every level of competitive golf.TVD, meaning &ldquo;Tour Van Design,&rdquo; originated from Vokey&rsquo;s work on-site at Tour events, at his grinding wheel inside the Titleist Tour Van shaping and grinding wedges based on players&rsquo; needs. The TVD shape is lower in the par (or heel) area and more rounded in the toe for a classic look.The new Vokey TVD-M and TVD-K models, two of Vokey&rsquo;s most-requested grinds on the PGA Tour,are available beginning May 7 on and through authorized Titleist accounts as part of the WedgeWorks Exclusives lineup. Each model is offered in two finishes (California Chrome and Black Ion) and fully-customizable &ndash; from length, lie, loft and weight porting, to toe engraving, personalized stamping, custom grips, shafts, shaftbands and ferrules.All TVD wedges now feature the new, deeper Spin Milled TX3 grooves, delivering more spin for precision trajectory and distance control and improved greenside performance. TX3 scorelines, a progressive design with seven percent larger groove volume, produce additional backspin by channeling away grass and sand for improved contact between the ball and groove edge. Proprietary Spin Milled technology also provides trajectory and distance control through precisely milled grooves and machined face texture, significantly reducing the chance of &ldquo;flyers&rdquo; from the rough.The new Vokey TVD-K &ndash; available in 54&ordm; to 60&ordm; lofts &ndash; is the culmination of Vokey&rsquo;s work with several PGA Tour players, including Adam Scott and Jason Dufner, to develop a sole that is playable in a variety of conditions. TVD-K features a wider, more cambered sole than any other Vokey model, making it very easy to use out of the bunker but still playable for a variety of shots around the green. The newest addition to the series, the TVD-K 54, provides a wide-sole sand wedge option that is not available in the new Vokey Spin Milled 5 (SM5) lineup.&ldquo;The K grind has been a huge hit for us,&rdquo; Vokey said. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s only been on Tour for a couple of years but we already have 30 guys using it. I think the secret is the cambered sole. It is wide and forgiving, but the camber keeps the club moving through the turf. So it&rsquo;s playable in a variety of conditions.&rdquo;The new TVD-M &ndash; available in 50&ordm; to 60&ordm; lofts &ndash; is the result of PGA Tour feedback on the design, shape and performance of the original TVD series. The new TVD-M has a more rounded teardrop profile, matching the shape of the TVD-K, with increased playability from the crescent-shaped M grind sole. The moderate effective bounce of the TVD-M makes it an excellent all-condition wedge.&ldquo;We&rsquo;ve had a lot of requests to match up the chassis, or shape, of the TVD-M with the TVD-K,&rdquo; Vokey said. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s the natural progression of the series. We now have three distinct shapes in the Vokey family: the SM5 with a high toe peak, the rounded teardrop of the TVD, and the compact look of the Hand Ground series. We have a look to fit anyone&rsquo;s eye.&rdquo;NEW MODELS: For 2014, all TVD models feature the new Spin Milled TX3 grooves for additional spin with trajectory and distance control. The lineup also features the new TVD-K 54&ordm;, a wider sole sand wedge with camber. The TVD-M line has a new shape, with a more rounded teardrop profile.NEW LOOKS: Vokey TVD-M and TVD-K wedges are available in two finishes, California Chrome and Black Ion, both exclusive to WedgeWorks. Both models also feature all-new Vokey graphics.LOFT/BOUNCE COMBINATIONS: 鈥═VD VS. SM5: The K grind offerings in the Vokey SM5 line (58.11, 60.11) have slightly wider soles and 1&ordm; more effective bounce than TVD-K (58.10, 60.10). The TVD-M 56.12 model has similar sole width with 2&ordm; more effective bounce than the SM5 56.10M.CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS: Like all WedgeWorks offerings, golfers can craft their wedges to fit both their game and personality with a nearly endless array of custom options.WedgeWorks Exclusives offer four different character stamping styles &ndash;Straight, Freestyle, Snow and the new Snow Dot option &ndash; in up to eight letters and/or numbers and one of 12 paintfill colors, from Oceanside Blue and Cerveza Yellow to Key Lime and Cowboy Orange.&ldquo;There isn&rsquo;t a wedge I make on Tour that doesn&rsquo;t have some type of personalized stamping,&rdquo; said Vokey Tour Rep Aaron Dill, who works on the Titleist Tour Van. &ldquo;Jason Dufner, for example, likes me to stamp &lsquo;DUF&rsquo; on all his wedges. Zach Johnson has the names of children. Kevin Na has &lsquo;NA&rsquo; in snow stamping all over the wedge. It&rsquo;s totally personal.&rdquo;There are four toe-stamp options &ndash; Tour Saw, BV Custom, BV Diamonds and BV Clover &ndash; in 48 total possible color combinations. Golfers can also choose from seven different custom shaftbands and three ferrule options.WedgeWorks offers BV grips in a variety of textures and colors to match the player&rsquo;s look and feel preferences. New this year is the Vokey Whiteout Green Multi-Compound grip from Golf Pride along with the Vokey Niion Green grip from Golf Pride. Vokey also offers the WedgeWorks-only Kangaroo Leather grip in pinot red from GripMaster.A high-performance shaft matrix includes wedge-specific shafts such as the Dynamic Gold Spinner and KBS Hi-Rev. The full complement of the Titleist custom shaft matrix is also available including graphite and lightweight shafts. WedgeWorks wedges can be laser etched on the shaft with up to 20 characters or numbers, offering an easy way to highlight a birthday, event or a player&rsquo;s full name.All Vokey wedges can be adjusted for length, loft and lie angle. Weight porting on the back of the wedge to dial in a specific swingweight is also available.PRICE AND AVAILABILITY: Vokey TVD-K and TVD-M wedges will be available May 7 through WedgeWorks on or by custom order, with a suggested retail price of $160 plus personalization packages.ON THE WEB: / 2012-07-08Champions Tour rookie Kirk Triplett eagled the par-5 second hole, birdied the third, and made four more birdies, including a chip-in on the 16th, to give him a two-shot victory at the Nature Valley First Tee Open, at Pebble Beach Golf Links, in Monterey, Calif.  His 6-under 66 was the low round of the day, giving him a 10 under total (70-70-66).'To win anywhere is special,' Triplett said. 'But to win at Pebble Beach is extra special. To do it in my first Champions Tour try is great.' He is one of only six players who have won on the PGA Tour, Champions Tour, and the Tour, where last year at age 49 he became the oldest winner in that tour鈥檚 history.  Triplett earned $255,000, and he now has four top 10s in only eight tournaments on the Champions Tour. He relied on a G20 9潞 driver, i20 irons (4-W), G15 17潞 hybrid, Tour-S 50潞 wedge, Eye2 58潞 lob wedge, and a Scottsdale Y Worry putter (36.25 inches). [url=]callaway irons sale,x22 irons,callaway irons x22,callaway golf clubs[/url] 
Posted: February 12, 2013                            FAIRHAVEN, Mass. (Jan. 24, 2013) &ndash; Personalization meets performance with Master Craftsman Bob Vokey&rsquo;s newest addition to the WedgeWorks Exclusives lineup, the Titleist Vokey Design TVD-K.The Vokey TVD-K, available this March through WedgeWorks on, is the result of Vokey&rsquo;s recent work with PGA Tour players such as Adam Scott, Jason Dufner and Ben Crane to develop a sole that is playable in a variety of conditions.TVD (&ldquo;Tour Van Design&rdquo;) models are built with the same unparalleled craftsmanship and technology that have made Titleist Vokey Design wedges the #1 wedge on the PGA Tour since 2004 and the most played wedge at every level of competitive golf.Vokey TVD-K wedges are available in three loft/bounce combinations (56.12&ordm;, 58.10&ordm; and 60.10&ordm;) and two new finishes (California Chrome and Graphite Ion), to go along with all of the personalization options available through WedgeWorks.  The TVD-K 56&ordm; features a wider, more cambered sole than any of the sand wedges available in the Vokey Design SM4 lineup. The wider sole makes the TVD-K 56&ordm; a very playable club from the bunker. The 58&ordm; and 60&ordm; TVD-K models feature a full sole with higher bounce, suitable for neutral to digger swing types in a variety of conditions.All WedgeWorks TVD models (TVD-M and TVD-K) feature the maximum-performing Vokey SM4 grooves, featuring 100-percent inspected, tight tolerance, aggressive groove edges at the limits allowed by the Rules of Golf.&ldquo;The TVD-K is the evolution of the TK grind that we had on tour and as a limited release in WedgeWorks,&rdquo; Vokey said. &ldquo;It has a wider sole, with more camber. It has enough bounce to be very forgiving out of the bunkers but still allows shotmaking around the greens. It&rsquo;s been popular with a lot of guys I&rsquo;ve worked with on Tour including Adam, Jason and Ben.&rdquo;Every wedge in the Exclusives line is fully customizable and built by Vokey and his team in Carlsbad, Calif. WedgeWorks gives golfers the opportunity to craft wedges that fit both their game and personality &ndash; from length, lie and loft, to toe engraving, personalized stamping, paintfill, grips, shafts, ferrules and shaftbands.&ldquo;WedgeWorks has been a dream come true for me,&rdquo; said Vokey. &ldquo;For the first time we have Tour, R&amp;D and Custom in one place. We take our influence from the Tour and try to constantly improve by offering more custom features and options to the wedge enthusiast.&rdquo;LOFT/BOUNCE COMBINATIONS: Vokey TVD-K wedges are available in three loft/bounce combinations: 56.12&ordm;, 58.10&ordm; and 60.10&ordm;. Available in both RH and LH.NEW FINISHES: TVD-K models feature two exclusive finishes, the plated California Chrome or the unplated Graphite Ion (pictured).PRICE AND AVAILABILITY: Vokey WedgeWorks Exclusives TVD-K wedges will be available in March through WedgeWorks on or by custom order, with a suggested retail price of $160 plus personalization packages. Please see for complete options and pricing information.ON THE WEB: /wedgeworks/ Posted: April 29, 2014                            FAIRHAVEN, Mass. (April 29, 2014) &ndash; New Titleist Vokey TVD wedges, designed by Master Craftsman Bob Vokey, provide golfers with the performance and versatility for improved shotmaking through new Spin Milled TX3 grooves and the tour&rsquo;s most popular shapes and grinds.Vokey TVD wedges are the result of Vokey&rsquo;s continuous collaboration with the best players in the world. Since 2004, Vokey Design wedges have been the #1 wedge on the PGA Tour and the most played wedge at every level of competitive golf.TVD, meaning &ldquo;Tour Van Design,&rdquo; originated from Vokey&rsquo;s work on-site at Tour events, at his grinding wheel inside the Titleist Tour Van shaping and grinding wedges based on players&rsquo; needs. The TVD shape is lower in the par (or heel) area and more rounded in the toe for a classic look.The new Vokey TVD-M and TVD-K models, two of Vokey&rsquo;s most-requested grinds on the PGA Tour,are available beginning May 7 on and through authorized Titleist accounts as part of the WedgeWorks Exclusives lineup. Each model is offered in two finishes (California Chrome and Black Ion) and fully-customizable &ndash; from length, lie, loft and weight porting, to toe engraving, personalized stamping, custom grips, shafts, shaftbands and ferrules.All TVD wedges now feature the new, deeper Spin Milled TX3 grooves, delivering more spin for precision trajectory and distance control and improved greenside performance. TX3 scorelines, a progressive design with seven percent larger groove volume, produce additional backspin by channeling away grass and sand for improved contact between the ball and groove edge. Proprietary Spin Milled technology also provides trajectory and distance control through precisely milled grooves and machined face texture, significantly reducing the chance of &ldquo;flyers&rdquo; from the rough.The new Vokey TVD-K &ndash; available in 54&ordm; to 60&ordm; lofts &ndash; is the culmination of Vokey&rsquo;s work with several PGA Tour players, including Adam Scott and Jason Dufner, to develop a sole that is playable in a variety of conditions. TVD-K features a wider, more cambered sole than any other Vokey model, making it very easy to use out of the bunker but still playable for a variety of shots around the green. The newest addition to the series, the TVD-K 54, provides a wide-sole sand wedge option that is not available in the new Vokey Spin Milled 5 (SM5) lineup.&ldquo;The K grind has been a huge hit for us,&rdquo; Vokey said. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s only been on Tour for a couple of years but we already have 30 guys using it. I think the secret is the cambered sole. It is wide and forgiving, but the camber keeps the club moving through the turf. So it&rsquo;s playable in a variety of conditions.&rdquo;The new TVD-M &ndash; available in 50&ordm; to 60&ordm; lofts &ndash; is the result of PGA Tour feedback on the design, shape and performance of the original TVD series. The new TVD-M has a more rounded teardrop profile, matching the shape of the TVD-K, with increased playability from the crescent-shaped M grind sole. The moderate effective bounce of the TVD-M makes it an excellent all-condition wedge.&ldquo;We&rsquo;ve had a lot of requests to match up the chassis, or shape, of the TVD-M with the TVD-K,&rdquo; Vokey said. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s the natural progression of the series. We now have three distinct shapes in the Vokey family: the SM5 with a high toe peak, the rounded teardrop of the TVD, and the compact look of the Hand Ground series. We have a look to fit anyone&rsquo;s eye.&rdquo;NEW MODELS: For 2014, all TVD models feature the new Spin Milled TX3 grooves for additional spin with trajectory and distance control. The lineup also features the new TVD-K 54&ordm;, a wider sole sand wedge with camber. The TVD-M line has a new shape, with a more rounded teardrop profile.NEW LOOKS: Vokey TVD-M and TVD-K wedges are available in two finishes, California Chrome and Black Ion, both exclusive to WedgeWorks. Both models also feature all-new Vokey graphics.LOFT/BOUNCE COMBINATIONS: 鈥═VD VS. SM5: The K grind offerings in the Vokey SM5 line (58.11, 60.11) have slightly wider soles and 1&ordm; more effective bounce than TVD-K (58.10, 60.10). The TVD-M 56.12 model has similar sole width with 2&ordm; more effective bounce than the SM5 56.10M.CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS: Like all WedgeWorks offerings, golfers can craft their wedges to fit both their game and personality with a nearly endless array of custom options.WedgeWorks Exclusives offer four different character stamping styles &ndash;Straight, Freestyle, Snow and the new Snow Dot option &ndash; in up to eight letters and/or numbers and one of 12 paintfill colors, from Oceanside Blue and Cerveza Yellow to Key Lime and Cowboy Orange.&ldquo;There isn&rsquo;t a wedge I make on Tour that doesn&rsquo;t have some type of personalized stamping,&rdquo; said Vokey Tour Rep Aaron Dill, who works on the Titleist Tour Van. &ldquo;Jason Dufner, for example, likes me to stamp &lsquo;DUF&rsquo; on all his wedges. Zach Johnson has the names of children. Kevin Na has &lsquo;NA&rsquo; in snow stamping all over the wedge. It&rsquo;s totally personal.&rdquo;There are four toe-stamp options &ndash; Tour Saw, BV Custom, BV Diamonds and BV Clover &ndash; in 48 total possible color combinations. Golfers can also choose from seven different custom shaftbands and three ferrule options.WedgeWorks offers BV grips in a variety of textures and colors to match the player&rsquo;s look and feel preferences. New this year is the Vokey Whiteout Green Multi-Compound grip from Golf Pride along with the Vokey Niion Green grip from Golf Pride. Vokey also offers the WedgeWorks-only Kangaroo Leather grip in pinot red from GripMaster.A high-performance shaft matrix includes wedge-specific shafts such as the Dynamic Gold Spinner and KBS Hi-Rev. The full complement of the Titleist custom shaft matrix is also available including graphite and lightweight shafts. WedgeWorks wedges can be laser etched on the shaft with up to 20 characters or numbers, offering an easy way to highlight a birthday, event or a player&rsquo;s full name.All Vokey wedges can be adjusted for length, loft and lie angle. Weight porting on the back of the wedge to dial in a specific swingweight is also available.PRICE AND AVAILABILITY: Vokey TVD-K and TVD-M wedges will be available May 7 through WedgeWorks on or by custom order, with a suggested retail price of $160 plus personalization packages.ON THE WEB: / 
[url=]titleist ap2 irons review[/url] Posted: January 3, 2013                            FAIRHAVEN, Mass. (Dec. 10, 2012) &ndash; Delivering more performance from both turf and tee, the new Titleist 913 fairway metals and hybrids are built for more distance and control with the most precise fit available to all serious golfers.Developed from extensive player testing and advanced engineering, the 913F and 913F.d Low Spin fairway metals and 913H and 913H.d hybrids are Titleist&rsquo;s highest performing, most comprehensive designs, featuring optimized launch with reduced spin for longer distance and precision fitting provided by Titleist&rsquo;s patented SureFit Tour adjustable hosel technology.The 913 fairways and hybrids utilize a new SureFit Tour weight location on the sole of each club to help create distinct performance targets, all-around performance or lower spin with a penetrating flight. Golfers can select their models &ndash; 913F or 913F.d Low Spin, 913H or 913H.d &ndash; based on forgiveness or ball flight.&ldquo;The 913 line of fairway metals and hybrids represent another breakthrough in long game performance,&rdquo; said Dan Stone, Vice President of Research and Development, Titleist Golf Clubs.&ldquo;We&rsquo;ve applied some of the same advanced design strategies used in building the new 913 drivers to create more distance potential and greater forgiveness with the fairways and hybrids, while making further advances in ball flight, looks, sound and feel. Add in the fitting power of the SureFit Tour hosel, and you have the highest performing adjustable fairways and hybrids in the game.&rdquo;&ldquo;Golfers are always looking for more distance and control in their long game, but they also need versatility,&rdquo; said Steve Pelisek, General Manager, Titleist Golf Clubs. &ldquo;The 913 fairways and hybrids not only deliver better performance, they provide serious golfers with more options to dial-in their set composition to fit their long game strategy and the way they play the game.&rdquo;MORE DISTANCE THROUGH IMPROVED LAUNCH CONDITIONS: The 913 fairway metals and hybrids feature center of gravity (CG) positions lower than the prior generation 910 models to further maximize distance potential through reduced spin while providing stability and forgiveness.To accomplish this more optimal CG, the Titleist Golf Club R&amp;D team made improvements to the head designs and SureFit Tour hosel structure, allowing for more discretionary mass to be redistributed low and deep in each head.&ldquo;In combination with a new flat SureFit Tour weight, this allowed us to really move our CGs to new performance thresholds and obtain improved distance potential,&rdquo; Stone said.With the 913 fairways, engineers utilized a new casting and polishing process to produce an ultra-thin crown, with a lower, flatter sole profile similar to the new 913 drivers. The 913 hybrids were refined with a sleeker, tour-inspired design. For both the 913 fairways and hybrids, Titleist R&amp;D created a leaner SureFit Tour hosel with a lower hosel height and tapered sleeve, which benefits CG position as well as the appearance at address.&ldquo;All of the players we&rsquo;ve tested with have commented on how much better the hosel looks in the address position. As a result, they have even more confidence standing over their shot,&rdquo; said Pelisek.The new SureFit Tour weight on the sole further optimizes the CG for speed and forgiveness. The weight has a new, flat geometry with a screw that holds the weight in place but does not extend up into the driver head, contributing to a lower overall CG.913F vs. 913F.d LOW SPIN FAIRWAY METALS: While both the 913F and 913F.d Low Spin feature lower, more optimal CG locations for more distance potential, the new 913 fairway metals provide two distinct performance choices evident by the different locations of their SureFit Tour weights.The 913F is a high performance, classic pear shaped fairway that delivers distance with stability through low and deep weighting for all-around performance from the turf and tee.The 913F.d Low Spin is a high performance, larger full pear shaped fairway that delivers distance with lower spin (about 200 rpm less than 913F) from low and forward weighting for a more penetrating flight.&ldquo;Our player testing shows overall preference is split with the 913F and 913F.d Low Spin models, with many players incorporating both models into their long game setup,&rdquo; Stone said.&ldquo;The 913F is our traditional fairway metal with all-around performance for players that want long distance with more forgiveness. The 913F.d Low Spin meets the needs of players wanting or needing spin reduction in their fairways due to the way they deliver the head.&rdquo;913H vs. 913H.d HYBRIDS: Like their fairway metal counterparts, the 913H and 913H.d models deliver more distance through optimized CG locations while offering two performance options to satisfy players&rsquo; needs.The 913H is a high performance hybrid that delivers distance and stability through low and deep weighting for all-around performance.The club has a new tour-inspired shape with a softer toe and a sleeker heel that promotes proper ground contact, with increased offset in the high-lofted models to improve appearance, playability and forgiveness.The 913H, with the SureFit Tour weight located deep on the sole, has also been designed with progressive CG locations through the range of lofts for optimized launch and spin control to deliver proper distance and ball flight&ldquo;We look at hybrids as individual golf clubs. They&rsquo;re being used to fill specific voids in a player&rsquo;s set, they&rsquo;re replacing irons or they&rsquo;re filling a gap. That means they require that each one be designed with their own CG position such that you get the correct launch, spin and shot control for each club. As we move up in loft with the 913H models, the CG moves more forward to help maintain spin for proper shot control,&rdquo; Stone said.&ldquo;We&rsquo;ve also added offset to the high-lofted models for improved appearance, playability and forgiveness. That&rsquo;s a preferred look as you&rsquo;re moving from an iron into a hybrid. You don&rsquo;t want your hybrid to look like a fairway wood as you&rsquo;re making that transition.&rdquo;The 913H.d is a high performance hybrid that delivers distance with lower spin from low and forward weighting for a more penetrating flight.The 913H.d has a more compact head than 913H with slightly more offset. The forward-positioned SureFit Tour weight and compact head combine to produce a forward-positioned CG location that provides spin and trajectory control for higher speed players or players that want or need to control spin based on how they deliver the head at impact.&ldquo;The 913H.d is a product our tour players wanted,&rdquo; Pelisek said. &ldquo;The forward CG really helps higher speed players control the flight and trajectory. And many players like the compact, more iron-like shape. We decided to make the 913H.d available by custom-order-only in the market to allow our loyal Titleist golfers that need spin control access to a product that will be very popular on the PGA Tour.&rdquo;PRECISION FIT VIA &ldquo;TOUR VAN-IN-A-HOSEL&rdquo;: The best way to fully experience the technology and total performance of 913 fairways and hybrids is to be precision fit using Titleist&rsquo;s patented, dual angle, industry-leading SureFit Tour adjustable hosel.The SureFit Tour hosel allows golfers to set loft and lie independently to optimize ball flight &ndash; higher or lower, and for more draw or fade for improved shot control and maximum distance.&ldquo;We call it &lsquo;Tour Van-in a hosel&rsquo; because that was our inspiration for designing SureFit Tour in that it provides all the power of a tour van &ndash; the ability to bend for loft and lie, and interchange shafts &ndash; right on the tee at the point of fitting,&rdquo; Stone said.The dual angle SureFit Tour hosel features a sleeve and ring, each with four settings. The sleeve settings are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and the ring settings are lettered A, B, C, D. In total there are 16 settings, each creating a unique loft and lie combination.A Titleist authorized fitter will utilize the SureFit Tour hosel, coupled with interchangeable shafts and SureFit Tour weights, to determine a player&rsquo;s optimal setup so they are playing 913 fairway metals and hybrids fit precisely to their game.&ldquo;We&rsquo;ve already seen the fitting effectiveness of the SureFit Tour hosel with the success of 910 metals,&rdquo; Pelisek said. &ldquo;Tour players on down to average golfers with more moderate swing speeds benefit greatly from a more precise fit.&rdquo;TOUR VALIDATION: The 913 fairways metals and hybrids have found instant acceptance and success since the seeding and validation process began on the worldwide professional tours.The new models made their debut on the PGA Tour in late August at The Barclays, where 15 new 913 fairway metals and hybrids were immediately put in play. The following week at the Deutsche Bank Championship, 21 new 913 fairways and hybrids were in players&rsquo; bags. The winner of the event used 913F.d Low Spin 13.5&ordm; and 18&ordm; models. The same player won again the following week at the BMW Championship and added a third win with the new clubs at the European Tour&rsquo;s season finale, the DP World Tour Championship.Player counts have continued to climb, as a total of five players have combined for eight wins gaming new 913 fairway metals or hybrids. Most recently, Arnond &ldquo;Bank&rdquo; Vongvanij played a 913F.d Low Spin 13.5&ordm; in winning the King&rsquo;s Cup for his first Asian Tour title.Among the players with 913 fairways and hybrids in their bags are: Jason Dufner (913F.d 13.5&ordm;, 913H 19&ordm;), Bill Haas (913F 13.5&ordm;, 913H.d 18&ordm;), Geoff Ogilvy (913F.d 15&ordm; &amp; 18&ordm;), Kyung-Tae Kim (913F.d 13.5&ordm;), Greg Chalmers (913F.d 13.5&ordm;, 913F 17&ordm;, 913H.d 20&ordm;), Scott Piercy (913F.d 15&ordm;), Ben Curtis (913F.d 13.5&ordm;, 913H.d 18&ordm; &amp; 23&ordm;), Daisuke Maruyama (913F.d 13.5&ordm; &amp; 18&ordm;, 913H.d 20&ordm; &amp; 23&ordm;), Ben Crane (913F.d 15&ordm;), Bud Cauley (913F.d 13.5&ordm;) and Ben Kohles (913F 13.5&ordm;, 913H 17&ordm;).BOLD LOOKS: The 913 fairways and hybrids have bold new cosmetics to match the new 913 drivers, with a striking, black PVD finish and a new black body paint that provides a sense of confidence and power at address.IMPRESSIVE STOCK SHAFT MATRIX: The 913&rsquo;s high performance stock shaft matrix features four tour-proven options, including three high performance aftermarket shafts (one from Aldila and two from Mitsubishi) to fit a wide range of players and swing speeds.The stock fairway lineup includes the Aldila RIP Phenom 80 shaft, the Mitsubishi Diamana D+ White 82 and Mitsubishi S+ Blue 72, along with the Titleist Bassara W 55 (S,R,A) and 45 (L) by Mitsubishi.The stock hybrid lineup includes the Aldila RIP Phenom 80 HYB, the Mitsubishi Diamana D+ White 92 HY, the Diamana S+ Blue 82 HY (S) and 72 HY (R), as well as the Titleist Bassara W 60 HYB (S,R,A) and 50 HYB (L) by Mitsubishi.In addition, Titleist offers an industry-leading number of custom shaft choices.Note: The new SureFit Tour hosel design in 913F, 913F.d Low Spin, 913H and 913H.d cannot accept shafts from Titleist 910 fairways or hybrids. Titleist is offering a re-tipping service to convert shafts from 910 to 913 compatible. Details are available through Titleist Custom Service.PRICE AND AVAILABILITY: The new 913F, 913F.d Low Spin, and 913H start shipping to golf shops Feb. 1, 2013. The new 913H.d is available custom order starting March 15, 2013. 913F and 913F.d Low Spin have a suggested retail price of $279 ($249 MAP). 913H and 913H.d have a suggested retail price of $259 ($229 MAP).ON THE WEB: /golf-clubs/fairways/default.aspxNew Titleist 913 Fairway Metals and Hybrids: Product specifications913F Specs&bull; Composition: 17-4 Stainless Steel body with a 455 Steel face insert&bull; Lofts: 13.5&ordm;, 15&ordm;, 17&ordm;, 19&ordm;, 21&ordm; (RH &amp; LH)&bull; Stock grip: Titleist Tour Velvet 360 degree rubber&bull; Head volumes: 160cc (13.5&ordm;, 15&ordm;) and 140cc (17&ordm;, 19&ordm;, 21&ordm;)913F.d Low Spin Specs&bull; Composition: 17-4 Stainless Steel body with a 455 Steel face insert&bull; Lofts: 13.5&ordm;, 15&ordm;, 18&ordm; (RH &amp; LH)&bull; Stock grip: Titleist Tour Velvet 360 degree rubber&bull; Head volume: 180cc913F, 913F.d Stock Shafts&bull; Aldila RIP Phenom 80&bull; Diamana D+ White 82&bull; Diamana S+ Blue 72&bull; Titleist Bassara W 55 (913F only)&bull; Titleist Bassara W 45 (913F only)913H Specs&bull; Composition: 17-4 Stainless Steel body with a 455 Steel face insert&bull; Lofts: 17&ordm;, 19&ordm;, 21&ordm;, 24&ordm;, 27&ordm; (RH &amp; LH)&bull; Stock grip: Titleist Tour Velvet 360 degree rubber&bull; Head volumes: 117cc (17&ordm;, 19&ordm;, 21&ordm;, 24&ordm;) and 112cc (27&ordm;)913H.d Low Spin Specs&bull; Composition: 17-4 Stainless Steel body with a 455 Steel face insert&bull; Lofts: 18&ordm;, 20&ordm;, 23&ordm; (RH &amp; LH)&bull; Stock grip: Titleist Tour Velvet 360 degree rubber&bull; Head volume: 100cc913H, 913H.d Stock Shafts&bull; Diamana D+ White 92 HY&bull; Diamana S+ Blue 82 HY&bull; Diamana S+ Blue 72 HY&bull; Titleist Bassara W 60 HYB (913H only)&bull; Titleist Bassara W 50 HYB (913H only)Each 913F, 913F.d, 913H and 913H.d includes:&bull; 913 HeadcoverSureFit Tour Weights Available for Purchase:&bull; Ergonomic Torque Wrench&bull; Foldout instruction booklet with Performance GuideSureFit Tour Weights Available for Purchase:&bull; Adjust for swingweight and feel preference&bull; SureFit Tour Weight Kit contains 4,7,9,11 and 14g flat weights&bull; Single Weights may also be purchased 2013-01-13With his Anser driver, Louis Oosthuizen was #1 in average driving distance for the week at 304.9 yards, just one reason he was able to win the Volvo Golf Champions in his native South Africa. His final-round 66 helped him overcome a five-shot deficit to start the final round and win by a shot at Durban Country Club. It was his sixth European Tour title and 11th overall. The victory elevated Oosthuizen to fourth in the Official World Golf Ranking, the highest he鈥檚 been in his career. 'It was a great week 鈥?a lot of things happened,' said the 30-year-old, who was 16 under (68-64-74-66). In addition to average driving distance, he was #1 in putts per G.I.R at 1.611. 'It鈥檚 a great start [to the year]. I knew I had to come out and get my name up there. After being five down, to make it up after 12 holes, I was really chuffed about that. I just played really well all day.'It was his fifth top-six finish in his last six European Tour events. In his last eight starts, Oosthuizen has seven top 10s.Oosthuizen relied on an Anser driver (9.5掳), G5 fairway woods (15掳 and 18掳), S56 irons (3-PW), Tour S Rustique wedges (47掳, 54掳, and 60掳/TS), and a Scottsdale ZB S putter.New PING tour staff player Julien Quesne finished T5. 
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Posted: April 24, 2014                            FAIRHAVEN, Mass. (April 24, 2014) &ndash; Whether it&rsquo;s Mother&rsquo;s Day, Father&rsquo;s Day, graduation day or another special occasion, there&rsquo;s an easy way to show appreciation for the golfers in one&rsquo;s life: Say it with Titleist.Titleist, the #1 ball in golf, is currently offering free personalization on every Titleist golf ball dozen, a spring gift-giving solution that&rsquo;s tried and true.From now until June 15, personalization charges will be waived on all custom orders of Titleist Pro V1, Pro V1x, NXT Tour, NXT Tour S, Velocity and DT SoLo golf balls. Free personalization is also available on orders of Pro V1 and Pro V1x, the world&rsquo;s best selling and most trusted golf balls, with double-digit play numbers (00 and 11-99).Personalization includes up to three lines of block text (17 characters per line) imprinted on each golf ball in black, blue, green, red or pink ink. Popular choices include names, nicknames, initials and special messages, as well as social media usernames (i.e., @Titleist) and hashtags (i.e., #TeamTitleist).On Pro V1 and Pro V1x models, the combination of a single- or double-digit play number with personalization is often used to commemorate a holiday, birthday, anniversary or other significant date or event. Other popular double-digit choices include lucky or favorite numbers and athlete jersey numbers. Many players choose a score (i.e. 79) they&rsquo;re striving to shoot.The minimum order for free personalization is just one dozen. Orders can be placed by visiting any authorized Titleist golf shop. To locate a local Titleist golf shop, please visit the Titleist golf shop locator at: /find-a-golf-shop. For custom individual and double-digit play numbers, an additional charge may apply.PROMOTION DETAILS:&bull; U.S. customers only.*鈥?bull; Offer: Free personalization.&bull; Products: All Titleist golf ball models.鈥?bull; Imprint: Black, Blue, Red, Green or Pink ink.&bull; 1 color per personalization.&bull; Maximum 17 characters per line, up to 3 lines of personalization&bull; Minimum: 1 dozen (packaged in std. dozens)&bull; Play numbers: Pro V1 and Pro V1x (1-9, 00, 11-99); NXT Tour and NXT Tour S (1-9); Velocity (1-4, 00, 11, 22, 33); DT SoLo (1-4).&bull; Dates: An order must be placed between April 14-June 15, 2014.&bull; Orders for individual and double-digit play numbers may incur an additional charge. &bull; Lead-time: 2 weeks.*Note: Free personalization promotions may also available in markets outside the U.S. Please refer to the Titleist website in each respective market for complete details. 2012-04-08Conventional wisdom says that The Masters doesn鈥檛 start until the back nine on Sunday. For 2012 Masters champion Bubba Watson, that鈥檚 where he caught fire, making four straight birdies on holes 13-16 to help him shoot an inward 33 and set up a playoff with PING Pro Louis Oosthuizen.But his most creative feat was making par on the second hole of sudden death after his errant drive found the woods. Hooking a wedge around a stand of trees from 155 yards, he landed the blind approach shot safely on the green. From there he would two-putt for the tearful win, his first major title.鈥淚 was there earlier today, during regulation,鈥?Watson said of the shot. 鈥淪o I was used to it. I knew what I was facing there. I had a good lie, had a gap where I had to hook it 40 yards or something. I鈥檓 pretty good at hooking it.鈥漁osthuizen made a rare shot of his own Sunday. His double-eagle 2 on the par-5 second was only the fourth albatross in Masters history. His S56 4-iron from 255 yards was the first double-eagle ever recorded on live television. For his part, Lee Westwood birdied four of his final six holes to finish T3. It was the fourth PGA Tour win for the 33-year-old Watson, who fired rounds of 69, 71, 70 and 68. He climbed to second in FedExCup points behind fellow PING Pro Hunter Mahan. He鈥檚 also #1 on the money list, just ahead of Mahan, with more than $3 million in winnings. He maintains his tour-leading average driving distance at 313.1 yards.In his bag was his trademark all-pink G20 driver (8.5潞), G20 fairway wood (16.5潞), S59 irons, Tour-W wedges, (52潞, 56潞), a Tour-S wedge (64潞), and a Redwood Anser putter (34.5鈥?. [url=]mizuno 850 irons reviews[/url] 
Posted: February 26, 2013                            FAIRHAVEN, Mass.&ndash; Craftsmanship, performance and validation by the game&rsquo;s best players provide the foundation for Master Craftsman Scotty Cameron&rsquo;s newest creations, the Select GoLo 5 and GoLo S5 putters.Available March 1, the racy mallet-style Select GoLo 5 and GoLo S5 are the newest additions to the Scotty Cameron by Titleist Select line of putters, epitomizing Cameron&rsquo;s commitment to working with the best players in the world and incorporating their feedback into his designs. Since 1997 and counting, more players on the PGA Tour have trusted Scotty Cameron Fine Milled putters than any other putter.Scotty Cameron Select GoLo 5 and GoLo S5 putters have a compact, elegantly rounded profile with a racy soleplate and Select Weighting technology for modern balance and stability.The head design is about 10 percent smaller than the popular Select GoLo and GoLo S models, a result of Cameron&rsquo;s research and testing with players on the worldwide professional tours and in his Putter Studio in California. The slightly asymmetric back profile with a pulled in heel and the contained cavity sight lines encourage a flowing stroke along the ideal arc.Two neck configurations &ndash; GoLo 5 with a single bend shaft and GoLo S5 with a straight, near center shaft &ndash; provide options for appearance and dynamic feel, and toe flow.&ldquo;Working with the best players in the world gives me incredible feedback,&rdquo; Cameron said. &ldquo;The GoLo 5 and S5 are the results of that feedback for a slightly smaller head, but with the look, feel and performance of the incredibly popular GoLo. For many players the compact setup instills the confidence and control to make a flowing stroke, and hole more putts.&rdquo;Like each model in the Select putter family, GoLo 5 and GoLo S5 have a deep milled face that contributes to a softer feel and sound. Each Select putter also features a tour-validatedBlack Mist finish for a rich, dark, glare-free look. Race-car inspired cherry dot graphics in the back and cherry dot weights in the sole help create a modern but timeless look.The Select family now features five modern blade models (Newport, Newport 1.5, Newport 2, Notchback, Newport 2.6), four mallets (GoLo, GoLo S, GoLo5, GoLo S5), three mid lengths (Newport 2 Mid, GoLo Mid, GoLo S Mid), and two long options (Big Sur, Big Sur S).PRODUCT FEATURES:Refined Design: Precisely engineered surfaces and edges with elegant lines and blends. Refined Cosmetics: Framed, double milled red-dot graphics. Framed, double beveled sole weights. Precision Milled Body: CNC milled soft 303 stainless steel.鈥?Deep Face Mill: Provides a soft, tour-preferred feel and sound.鈥?Black Mist Finish: Rich, dark, glare free black finish combined with red-dot graphics to create a timeless look.鈥⊿elect Weighting: Heel-toe weighting perfectly matched to the shaft length or player&rsquo;s feel preference.鈥―raft Sole: Triple angled sole for square set up with camber for a smooth takeaway.鈥⊿tepless Shaft: Provides a clean, uninterrupted address appearance.鈥≒istolero Grip: Black pistol grip with dancing Cameron logo for a stable feel in a golfer&rsquo;s hands.PRICE AND AVAILABILITY: The Scotty Cameron GoLo 5 and GoLo 5S will ship to golf shops beginning March 1, 2013, with a suggested retail price of $375 (MAP: $349).ON THE WEB: IMAGES: SPECIFICATIONS:Standard Loft: 4&deg;Standard Lie: 71&deg;RH Stock Lengths: 33&rdquo;, 34&rdquo;, 35&rdquo; (GoLo 5, GoLo S5)LH Stock Lengths: 34&rdquo; (GoLo 5 only)Custom Lengths: 33&rdquo; - 35&rdquo; (in 0.25&rdquo; increments)Custom Heavy configurations availableGoLo 5 Neck: single bendGoLo 5 Offset: 3/4 shaftGoLo S5 Neck: straightGoLo S5 Offset: none 2012-06-09Lee Westwood鈥檚 40th worldwide title came in convincing fashion with a five-stroke win at the Nordea Masters at the 7,607-yard Bro Hof Slott Golf Club in Stockholm, Sweden. The 39-year-old鈥檚 22nd European Tour win came after playing a new set of i20 irons and a new Nome 355 putter for the first time.鈥淚t feels really special winning here another time,鈥?Westwood said of the event he has won three times (he was champion in 1996 and 2000). 鈥淚鈥檝e won it in three decades now, which just shows how old we鈥檙e getting. I played really well this week. You don鈥檛 win tournaments by five shots without playing well.鈥漇tarting the final round three shots ahead, Westwood created more separation with an eagle at 12 and a birdie at 15, making pars the rest of the way. 鈥淚t didn鈥檛 look like I was hitting it close on the last three holes but I can tell you I hit it exactly where I wanted every time.鈥漌estwood relied on a bagful of PING technology: G10 driver (9潞), i15 3-wood (15.5潞), Rapture V2 5-wood, i20 irons (3-PW), Tour W wedges (54潞, 58潞), and a Nome putter (35鈥?. 
[url=]titleist ap2 irons review[/url] Posted: January 26, 2013                            FAIRHAVEN, Mass. (Jan. 24, 2013) &ndash; Titleist, the #1 ball in golf, has advanced its flagship Pro V1 and Pro V1x models, the world&rsquo;s most trusted and best-selling golf balls. Driven by the pursuit of superior performance, Titleist delivers even more distance, softer feel and longer lasting durability in its 2013 Pro V1 and Pro V1x models through new core and cover technologies.The 2013 Pro V1 provides even softer feel, making it the softest Pro V1 yet. Golfers will also benefit from the Pro V1&rsquo;s longer distance due to lower driver and long game spin, and a shallower angle of descent that produces more roll. The 2013 Pro V1x delivers even more distance and more consistent performance with its deep downrange peak trajectory, tight ball flight and outstanding spin control. Both new models feature an improved Urethane Elastomer cover and paint system that results in longer lasting durability while retaining a whiter, brighter finish.New Pro V1 and Pro V1x also maintain their outstanding Drop-and-Stop control, providing all golfers with the proven short-game scoring performance that contributes to shooting lower scores.&ldquo;Performance drives all of us at Titleist,&rdquo; said Mary Lou Bohn, Vice President, Titleist Golf Ball Marketing and Communications. &ldquo;While it&rsquo;s no easy task for our Golf Ball R&amp;D team to improve upon our industry-leading products, new Pro V1 and Pro V1x are the best performing golf balls we&rsquo;ve ever made and the best performance choice for all golfers looking to shoot lower scores.&rdquo;The 2013 Pro V1 and Pro V1x have been tested and validated by golfers at every level of the game &ndash; including the world&rsquo;s best tour professionals, PGA professionals and amateur golfers of all swing speeds &ndash; to resounding positive feedback and success. Among the early converters to the new golf balls were Adam Scott (Pro V1) and Luke Donald (Pro V1x), each player winning convincingly on the worldwide professional tours after putting the 2013 model in play.&ldquo;Golfers want exceptional distance in their long game and the best scoring performance for their short game,&rdquo; said Bohn. &ldquo;Yet they also value longer lasting durability. With our improved Urethane Elastomer cover system, golfers will not only experience an aerodynamically more consistent flight, they will notice their new Pro V1 or Pro V1x golf ball looking new and whiter longer.&rdquo;Available in golf shops beginning Jan. 25, 2013, new Pro V1 and Pro V1x are manufactured to exacting standards in Titleist&rsquo;s own world-class facilities. As a result, every Pro V1 and Pro V1x golf ball performs consistently for every golfer, every round and on every type of shot.NEW PRO V1: Even Softer Feel, More Distance and Longer Lasting.Using ZG process core technology to create an even softer compression, new Pro V1 delivers softer feel, more distance and longer lasting durability, to accompany the renowned Drop-and-Stop greenside control that golfers rely on to score their best.&ldquo;This is the softest Pro V1 we&rsquo;ve ever made,&rdquo; said Bill Morgan, Senior Vice President, Golf Ball R&amp;D, Acushnet Company.&ldquo;Due to the softer ZG process core technology, new Pro V1 has a lower, more controlled flight with lower driver and long iron spin that results in a shallower angle of descent, providing golfers with even more distance. That softer compression also makes this the best-feeling Pro V1 yet and gives golfers an even greater sense of control with shots into and around the green.&rdquo;An improved Urethane Elastomer cover formulation and new paint system have increased the durability of the new Pro V1, making the ball look whiter and brighter longer, from shot to shot, hole to hole and round to round. The new cover and paint system also contributes to an aerodynamically more consistent golf ball.&ldquo;We&rsquo;ve made an improvement to the formulation of the urethane cover that retains its out-of-the-box appearance longer, and introduced a new paint system with exceptional adhesion to the cover,&rdquo; Morgan said. &ldquo;These two technologies combine to create a far more durable golf ball while still maintaining all of Pro V1&rsquo;s outstanding scoring performance and the feel that golfers love.&rdquo;A responsive ionomeric casing layer and spherically-tiled 352 tetrahedral dimple design also contribute to the new Pro V1's high performance tee-through-green. The 352-dimple pattern has five different dimple sizes and three axes of symmetry that help produce a penetrating ball flight that holds its line in the wind.NEW PRO V1x: Even More Distance and Longer Lasting.The new Pro V1x delivers even more distance with a lower, more consistent ball flight along with the same improved Urethane Elastomer cover and paint system that makes both Pro V1 models even longer lasting. A four-piece multi-component design, Pro V1x utilizes a new, very soft ZG process center within its dual core to maintain lower driver spin for exceptional distance while increasing iron spin for control into the green.&ldquo;Using ZG process core technology in the center of the 2013 Pro V1x results in a more consistent core hardness and more consistent concentricity. Any time you can improve the uniformity of the golf ball, it translates into more consistent on-course performance for golfers.&rdquo; Morgan said. &ldquo;When golfers have less variation in their equipment, they have the opportunity to improve their performance.&rdquo;  Pro V1x also produces a slightly different launch condition than the prior generation model, and will fly a little bit lower with a tight ball flight, yet still maintain a deep downrange peak trajectory.&ldquo;Player feedback on the distance and flight of the new Pro V1x has been extremely positive. These players like that Pro V1x flies higher than a Pro V1 golf ball, yet they notice and appreciate that its new flight is in their preferred launch window,&rdquo; Morgan said. &ldquo;We&rsquo;ve also been receiving overwhelming response to the improved durability, as golfers can&rsquo;t wait to show us their golf ball after a few rounds of play.&rdquo; With a responsive ionomeric casing layer and spherically-tiled 328 tetrahedral dimple design, the new Pro V1x continues to provide a penetrating ball flight that cuts through the wind along with low long game spin and outstanding Drop-and-Stop short-game scoring performance.PLAYER VALIDATIONPrior to their official launch in the marketplace, new Titleist Pro V1 and Pro V1x golf balls undergo rigorous machine and player testing. Titleist&rsquo;s iterative process of listening to golfers&rsquo; needs, testing prototypes and further refining ensures the new models deliver meaningful performance improvements. The 2013 Pro V1 and Pro V1x have been tested and validated by the world&rsquo;s best tour players, as well as PGA professionals, competitive amateurs and golfers of all skill levels.On the PGA Tour, the 2013 season began with more players teeing up 2013 Pro V1 and Pro V1x models than any other golf ball. At the Sony Open, the first full-field event of the year, 62 players relied upon new Pro V1 and Pro V1x golf balls for their success. Fifty-five players put the 2013 models in play the following week at the Humana Challenge, including champion. The same day, David McKenzie played a 2013 Pro V1x in winning the Victorian PGA Championship in Australia.A week earlier, in the first European Tour event of 2013, Louis Oosthuizen trusted a new Pro V1x to victory at the winners-only Volvo Golf Champions event, rallying from five shots back with a closing 6-under 66.In total, new Pro V1 and Pro V1x players have combined for seven victories on the worldwide professional tours since the start of the tour seeding and validation process, highlighting a period of instant acceptance and success for the 2013 models.On the same Sunday last November, Adam Scott and Luke Donald registered the first pair of wins for the new golf balls.Scott, playing the 2013 Pro V1, posted a pair of weekend 67s on his way to a four-shot victory at the Australian Masters, his third consecutive top-8 finish after putting the new ball in play. Donald, playing the 2013 Pro V1x for the first time in competition at the Japan Tour&rsquo;s Dunlop Phoenix event, opened with rounds of 64-65 and eventually won by five shots. The following week, he tied for third at the European Tour&rsquo;s season finale, the DP World Tour Championship, playing his first 56 holes without a bogey.The first week of December, Hiroyuki Fujita posted four rounds of 68 or better for a five-shot victory at the Japan Series JT Cup, his second event playing the 2013 Pro V1 on the Japan Tour. Two weeks later, Angel Cabrera trusted a 2013 Pro V1x in winning the PGA Tour Latinoamerica&rsquo;s season finale, the Open de Argentina. Cabrera closed in 8-under 64 to win by four shots.The 2013 Pro V1 and Pro V1x golf balls made their competitive debut on the PGA Tour in early October as the seeding and tour validation process began at the Shriners Hospital for Children Classic in Las Vegas. Eighteen players immediately switched to the new models that week, five of them finishing T-13 or better.The following week at the Classic, Jason Kokrak was one of 21 players that played the new models. Teeing up 2013 Pro V1x for the first time, Kokrak shot four rounds of 68 or better to finish runner-up and earn the best finish of his PGA Tour career. Jimmy Walker trusted Pro V1 to a T-4 finish that included a tournament-best 9-under 62 in the final round.David Toms played the new Pro V1x for the first time a week later at the McGladrey Classic, where he also registered his best performance of the season, finishing second after a final-round 63. Toms was one of 27 players that week that relied on 2013 Pro V1 and Pro V1x golf balls for their success, as the momentum of tour player conversion continued around the world.Other players that have put the 2013 Pro V1 in play include: Tim Clark, John Senden, John Huh, Jimmy Walker, Ken Duke and Charley Hoffman. The list of 2013 Pro V1x players also includes: Bubba Watson, Webb Simpson, Zach Johnson, Rickie Fowler, Nicolas Colsaerts, John Senden, Mark Wilson, Brendan Steele, Scott Stallings, Kenny Perry, Marc Leishman and Ben Crane.Additionally, more than 45,000 golfers around the world participated in the R&amp;D testing process, each golfer receiving new Pro V1 and Pro V1x prototype golf balls and having the opportunity to report their feedback through Team Titleist.WHAT PLAYERS ARE SAYING ABOUT 2013 PRO V1:&ldquo;I&rsquo;m a guy that likes the softer feel&hellip; The feel (of 2013 Pro V1) is unreal. It&rsquo;s the best feeling ball I&rsquo;ve played ever.&rdquo; &ndash; Charley Hoffman&ldquo;I like to see a slightly lower ball flight on my driver. I feel like when I bring the ball flight down, I can control it a little better. And with this ball I&rsquo;ve been able to do that, but also keep plenty of distance on it. I also like to see the ball fly a little higher with my irons, so it&rsquo;s very hard to balance that, but somehow they&rsquo;ve managed to be able to do that with the new Pro V1 &hellip; The new Pro V1 golf ball definitely has a softer feel which is something that I personally like. I feel that the soft feel, especially around the greens, is where I find the biggest benefit. That&rsquo;s where you want the touch and the nice feel coming back up off the clubface and into your hands and you can really zero in on getting it close to the hole.&rdquo; &ndash;Adam Scott&ldquo;It was an easy transition for me. The first thing I noticed was that durability (of the new Pro V1) was better, much better, so I don't have to keep using new a ball. I can use probably one or two balls during a round of golf. The spin rates were really good, and because the spin rates were good, the flight of the golf ball was much better. I really like it and I&rsquo;m hitting it a little longer.&rdquo;&ndash; John Huh&ldquo;I felt like I had really good control with it, and that I could really spin it when I wanted to. I was hitting it very far and I was fourth in driving distance for the week (at the Open). The ball was really moving good. It feels good especially off the putter. This has been a really easy transition into the new ball.&rdquo; &ndash; Jimmy Walker&ldquo;I really like the trajectory of the new Pro V1. It has a penetrating flight to it yet still has plenty of height and performs very well in the wind. The trajectory fits my eye even better than the previous Pro V1 and it has a nice soft feel with the putter and around the greens. I始ve been very happy with the performance of the golf ball.&rdquo; &ndash; Ken DukeWHAT PLAYERS ARE SAYING ABOUT 2013 PRO V1x:&ldquo;I put the 2013 Pro V1x into play for the first time last week (at the Dunlop Phoenix) and won on a tight, demanding golf course. From tee to green, I felt I had total control of distance, ball flight and shot shape, and on and around the greens the ball performed just as I needed in order to shoot winning numbers.&rdquo; &ndash; Luke Donald&ldquo;The 2013 Pro V1x has all the characteristics I want. You want something that (flies) high but is low spin off the tee, but then something you can control with your wedges and your irons, in particular. When I say control, it&rsquo;s all about trajectory and spin, so I feel like I can move it both ways and I&rsquo;m getting the proper trajectory into the greens so that my distances are consistent and the spin is consistent. I&rsquo;m really excited about it. It feels great off the putter and great around the green with my chipping and pitching.&rdquo; &ndash; Zach Johnson&ldquo;I&rsquo;m a guy that hits my wedge shots really hard, I like to max out my lob wedge and sand wedge, and what I&rsquo;ve seen is with the cover&hellip;I can play a ball a full round now. I can probably play it more than that&hellip;. The ball&rsquo;s durability is great.&rdquo; &ndash; Webb Simpson&ldquo;It was instantly great feel, great flight, and it did everything that I could ask out of a ball. &hellip; It&rsquo;s definitely a little bit softer. It has a superior feel and you still get a lot of distance and a really good flight out of it. I&rsquo;m not a guy that changes that easily so for me to just put it right in play really says a lot about how good it really is.&rdquo; &ndash; Brendan Steele&ldquo;It performs better, it does everything that the other ball did but better. It flights better, it&rsquo;s a little bit softer and it just performs better in all circumstances. &hellip; The durability, that&rsquo;s probably the thing I like the most. I was probably going through five or six balls a round with the other one and I didn&rsquo;t really like changing that much and this ball holds up through the round better, especially for your average amateur player that&rsquo;s going to play it. You can play it as long as you want to realistically and the ball still performs.&rdquo; &ndash; Scott Stallings&ldquo;I know every time that Titleist makes a new ball, it&rsquo;s going to be better. It&rsquo;s going to be just as good, and then, better. There&rsquo;s no reason to come up with the same ball. So they&rsquo;re making a product that&rsquo;s better. It&rsquo;s going to be good for my game, it&rsquo;s going to help my game, and help me get better. &hellip; When you see that name Titleist on the ball&hellip;you know you have confidence in it, you can pull off any shot. The ball&rsquo;s going to react the way you want it to react. Now it just comes down to me swinging it the right way.&rdquo; &ndash; Bubba WatsonPRICE AND AVAILABILITY: The new 2013 Pro V1 and Pro V1x golf balls will ship to golf shops beginning Jan. 25, 2013, with a suggested retail price of $62 (MAP: $47.99).PLAY NUMBERS: 2013 Pro V1 and Pro V1x golf balls are available in both standard and custom play numbers. Standard dozens include play numbers 1-4 (low) and 5-8 (high). Double-digit play numbers (00 and 11-99) are available for custom order through any Titleist golf shop, with a minimum order of one dozen. Dozens of the same single-digit number (1-9) are also available through custom order. Golfers interested in a custom play numbers should contact their local Titleist golf shop for pricing and availability. 2012-01-08The T-shirts summed it up. Four fans stood shoulder-to-shoulder behind the 18th green on Sunday watching Louis Oosthuizen while wearing loud, matching shirts that spelled out the message, 鈥淎ll Hail King Louis.鈥? In fact, the South African did reign, successfully defending his Africa Open title in his home country by two shots at 27 under. The win was highlighted by a second-round 62 at the 6,691-yard East London Golf Club in East London, South Africa.Despite the 62 and making 28 birdies with two eagles for the week, Oosthuizen鈥檚 ninth career win was hard earned. He called the final round 鈥渁 dog fight,鈥?with the lead switching hands numerous times. Tied on the 71st hole, Oosthuizen rolled in a 30-foot birdie putt while his playing competitor bogeyed, giving him what proved to be his winning cushion. Oosthuizen continued what has been torrid play in recent months. He has finished no lower than eighth in his last six starts, and is a combined 93-under-par over those events. But winning in his homeland (69-62-67-67) was his crowning achievement. 鈥淚t鈥檚 always nice playing in front of home crowds,鈥?said the 29-year-old. 鈥淎nd to win in my first tournament of the year, you can鈥檛 ask for better.鈥滻n his PING Tour Staff bag: a Rapture V2 9-degree driver, S56 irons, Tour-S Rustique wedges (47潞, 54潞, 60潞), and a Scottsdale ZB S putter.PING Pros Peter Karmis and Matthew Baldwin (a European Tour rookie) finished T10. 
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The sooner we get Category:Requested maintenance etc moving the sooner our main page can look 10x more awesome Hatter 13:49, 15 June 2012 (MSK)

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Templates and example markups at Test.

Hatter 13:58, 2 May 2012 (MSK)

A few things I noticed should be addressed, so I'm opening up this talk page as a temporary community portal until project pages are set up, or a permanent destination is decided on. First:


When making a template, it's important to pay attention to where you add the <includeonly> and <noinclude> tags, specifically in regards to spacing. It's counter intuitive, but when you add the tags on the next line, it incorporates the break in the template's transclusions. It's directly against good form with basic HTML, but is necessary for good layout, because you can't remove anything from a template without substituting it and defeating the point of using a template. A quick example of what I'm talking about:

<div style="padding: .2em .3em; margin: .2em .2em; background-color: #FFF6BF; border: solid 2px #FFD324;  font-size: 107%;">'''{{{label|Notice:}}}''' {{{1}}}</div>

Would produce a template with a break at the top and bottom, and in this example would be more than likely desired, but if not paid attention to can lead to undesirable whitespace.

The other thing is talk pages: A good idea for those of you who don't know is to read up briefly here on the general use, but with a wiki that's rapidly expanding like this one is and will be, there's almost no documented discussion going on. The jist of the article is basically use the discussion pages, sign your comments (add four tildes ~~~~) and about general layout (indent for a response with :)

Overall this wiki is very new and so there are no help articles for actually using the wiki, so anybody who has any questions should just ask them. It's a wiki and nothing gets broken by talking at people on it and we have several people who are good enough at wiki to help anything. Mike (Talk) 13:46, 2 May 2012 (MSK)

Also, when creating Articles, they shouldn't be pluralized. For instance the correct article is password rather than passwords. If you want the plural link, you can use [[password]]s (appears as passwords) to pluralize, but there is no syntax (aside from piping) for unpluralizing. On the topic of linking (or piping) when you pipe in a wiki, the first letter's capitalization does not matter. Password and password yield the exact same result, and so generally when creating multi-word articles you should either leave them as all lowercase (first will be capitalized automatically) unless it's a proper noun. I know it can get a little anal, but that's what asspies with too much free time are here for, and it saves a lot of effort down the road when you have strong precedents set up in the beginning. Mike (Talk) 14:18, 2 May 2012 (MSK)
Another thing I'm running into is section header handling. Single = section headers should really never be used in articles. They work more or less like ==double section== only they force everything below them to be listed as a sub section. Their purpose is solely for handling archives. You would say, take a talk page on Wikipedia that has 50+ section headers and go back with single sections to sub section them off by dates or similar methods. Mike (Talk) 02:34, 3 May 2012 (MSK)


Category:Templates has been populated with every template we have, and I deleted [[Template:Toggle]] and [[Template:PrettyTable]] because they were weird and unused. If you make a new template be sure to add noincludes and the category after the template so every page the template's on doesn't also get tagged as being a template. Mike (Talk) 09:28, 7 May 2012 (MSK)