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Standard loader:
The standard loader accepts shellcode as a command line argument (argv[1]) and executes it. This can be combined with the shellcode generator to test code:
   [user@localhost shellcode]$ loaders/loader-64 $(generators/ --file=null-free/setuid_binsh.s --raw)
   [user@localhost shellcode]$ loaders/loader-64 $(generators/ --file=null-free/setuid_binsh.s --raw)
Line 134: Line 134:
   [user@localhost shellcode]$
   [user@localhost shellcode]$
Socket loader:
The socket loader runs any input off of the socket as it is received to test socket-based code (such as the socket-reuse code). It accepts a port number as an argument. Warning: this code listens on all ports, so only use it on a closed network.
   [user@localhost shellcode]$ loaders/socket-loader 1235
   [user@localhost shellcode]$ loaders/socket-loader 1235

Revision as of 00:30, 25 May 2013

Shellcodecs is a collection of shellcodes, loaders, sources, and generators provided with documentation designed to ease the exploitation and shellcode programming process.


In order to run these shellcodes, the following dependencies are required:

Unless otherwise noted, code is amd64. There are various 32-bit examples as well. If you think you may have an out of date version, or that the official version is out-of-sync with the site, the latest sources will be available 100% of the time in the shellcode appendix.






Building the code

  • tar xzvf shellcode.tgz
  • cd shellcode
  • make

It is also possible to make exclusively x86 or x64 binaries using make x86 or make x64. Please keep in mind, there is more support for 64-bit in this package than 32-bit.

Using the tools


The shellcode generator assembles shellcode and outputs the byte code as raw ascii, a hex representation, or as a C variable. It can also optionally output the length of the shellcode. The raw ascii representation can be piped into a generator or exploit (or a binary file), whereas the hexadecimal representation can be used in exploit code. An example of using the generator to output raw ascii follows:

[user@localhost shellcode]$ generators/ --help
usage: [-h] --file FILE [--hex] [--raw] [--var] [--len]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --file FILE
  --hex        Output in hex format (\x0f\x05)
  --raw        Output in raw format
  --var        Output as a variable
  --len        Output the length
[user@localhost shellcode]$ generators/ --file=ascii-shellcode/ascii_binsh --raw
[user@localhost shellcode]$ 

The socket reuse generator accepts the source IP and source port that the socket reuse code will be sent from and outputs the hexadecimal representation of the code to input into the socket-reuse-send.c source file.

[user@localhost shellcode]$ generators/ 
Usage: generators/ <source IP> <source port>
[user@localhost shellcode]$ generators/ 1234
[user@localhost shellcode]$ gcc -o socket-reuse/socket-reuse-send socket-reuse/socket-reuse-send.c 
[user@localhost shellcode]$


The standard loader accepts shellcode as a command line argument (argv[1]) and executes it. This can be combined with the shellcode generator to test code:

 [user@localhost shellcode]$ loaders/loader-64 $(generators/ --file=null-free/setuid_binsh.s --raw)
 [root@localhost shellcode]# exit
 [user@localhost shellcode]$

The socket loader runs any input off of the socket as it is received to test socket-based code (such as the socket-reuse code). It accepts a port number as an argument. Warning: this code listens on all ports, so only use it on a closed network.

 [user@localhost shellcode]$ loaders/socket-loader 1235
 [user@localhost shellcode]$

Getting help

We are not free technical support and reserve the right to revoke support to anyone for any reason at any time.

If you're using the tools and there's a problem, try re-reading the documentation before asking a question. If you're absolutely sure it is programmatical error and not user error preventing the code from working properly, you can let us know by talking on the shellcode talk page.


Shellcodecs is part of a series on programming.