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It is possible use shellcode to determine instruction set architecture, the process counter, the location last returned to, or bypass and detect int3 breakpoints within the current execution environment.

The code and ideas discussed here are part of an all-encompassing shellcode portal. Everything described here and the full source of any given code is available in the appendix, as well as in the downloadable shellcodecs package.


The GetPc technique is implementation of code which obtains the current instruction pointer. This can be useful when writing self-modifying shellcode, or other code that must become aware of its environment, as environment information cannot be supplied prior to execution of the code.

x86 (32 bit)

jmp startup
   mov (%esp), %eax
call getpc       ; the %eax register now contains %eip on the next line 


jmp startup
   mov (%rsp), %rax
call getpc       ; the %rax register now contains %rip on the next line 
  • Alternatively:
jmp startup
  lea -1(%rip), %rax  ; the %rax register now contains the address of `pc'.

Last call

Typically, when shellcode is being executed at the time of a buffer overflow, assuming that the nop sled does not modify the stack, the pointer to the beginning of the executing code is at -0x8(%rsp), or -0x4(%esp), because it was just returned to as a result of the call stack being overwritten during the overflow process. In many cases, this can be used in place of a GetPc for polymorphic shellcode.



  mov -0x4(%esp), %eax



  mov -0x8(%rsp), %rax

int3 breakpoints

Int3 breakpoints can be detected during out-of-line code execution when the code in question is being debugged by an in-line debugger.

.global _start
  jmp startup
  pop %rcx
  inc %rcx
  jmp *%rcx
  call go_retro
  push $0x3458686a
  push $0x0975c084

The relevant code in this snippet is:

push $0x3458686a
push $0x0975c084

When the code jumps to the code directly after the first push (0x68), it gets read by the CPU as:

  0:	6a 68                	pushq  $0x68
  2:	58                   	pop    %rax
  3:	34 68                	xor    $0x68,%al
  5:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
  7:	75 09                	jne    0x09

However, it is read by an inline disassembler as:

    d:    68 6a 68 58 34       	pushq  $0x3458686a
   12:    68 84 c0 75 09       	pushq  $0x975c084
   17:    90                   	nop

This is because an inline disassembler does not recognize code based on how it is executed but on how it looks in memory; however, because the first 0x68 is skipped completely, the code is executed differently than what appears in memory. What this code actually does is detect breakpoints. First, it moves 0x68 into %rax. Then, if a breakpoint has been set on the second push instruction, the xor $0x68,%al instruction will become xor $0xcc,%al (0xcc is the breakpoint instruction), and instead of %rax being nulled (0x68 xor 0x68 becomes 0), it will become 0xa4. The test instruction checks if %rax is zero: if it is not zero the code then jmps 0x09 bytes forward (this behaviour can be adjusted to act however the programmer desires). This code allows arbitrary shellcode to detect breakpoints and act differently depending on whether or not they exist.

The following is a demonstration of this specific code in use. In the first demonstration, a breakpoint is set on the nop instruction and the breakpoint is hit. In the second, the breakpoint is set on the second push instruction, and the breakpoint is skipped.

 {} shellcode gdb loaders/loader-64                                                                       
 Reading symbols from /home/user/loaders/loader-64...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
 (gdb) break ret_to_shellcode 
 Breakpoint 1 at 0x4000b1
 (gdb) run "$(generators/ --file=int3 --raw)"
 Starting program: /home/user/loaders/loader-64 "$(generators/ --file=int3 --raw)"
 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004000b1 in ret_to_shellcode ()
 (gdb) x/24i $rax
  0x7ffff7fbe000:	jmp    0x7ffff7fbe008
  0x7ffff7fbe002:	pop    %rcx
  0x7ffff7fbe003:	inc    %rcx
  0x7ffff7fbe006:	jmpq   *%rcx
  0x7ffff7fbe008:	callq  0x7ffff7fbe002
  0x7ffff7fbe00d:	pushq  $0x3458686a
  0x7ffff7fbe012:	pushq  $0x975c084
  0x7ffff7fbe017:       nop
 (gdb) break *0x7ffff7fbe017
 Breakpoint 2 at 0x7ffff7fbe017
 (gdb) c
 Breakpoint 2, 0x00007ffff7fbe017 in ?? ()
 (gdb) quit
 A debugging session is active.
     Inferior 1 [process 9760] will be killed.
 Quit anyway? (y or n) y

 {} shellcode gdb loaders/loader-64
 Reading symbols from /home/user/loaders/loader-64...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
 (gdb) break ret_to_shellcode 
 Breakpoint 1 at 0x4000b1
 (gdb) run "$(generators/ --file=int3 --raw)"
 Starting program: /home/user/loaders/loader-64 "$(generators/ --file=int3 --raw)"
 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004000b1 in ret_to_shellcode ()
 (gdb) x/24i $rax
  0x7ffff7fbe000:	jmp    0x7ffff7fbe008
  0x7ffff7fbe002:	pop    %rcx
  0x7ffff7fbe003:	inc    %rcx
  0x7ffff7fbe006:	jmpq   *%rcx
  0x7ffff7fbe008:	callq  0x7ffff7fbe002
  0x7ffff7fbe00d:	pushq  $0x3458686a
  0x7ffff7fbe012:       pushq  $0x975c084
  0x7ffff7fbe017:       nop
 (gdb) break *0x7ffff7fbe012
 Breakpoint 2 at 0x7ffff7fbe012
 (gdb) c
 [Inferior 1 (process 9778) exited normally]