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Google Dorks
From NetSec
Revision as of 18:32, 26 August 2012 by D1551D3N7 (Talk | contribs) (Created page with good content.)
Google dorks are search terms created to look for vulnerable websites using Google. They usually use the "inurl:" "intitle:" and "intext:" search operators. They are commonly used for web applications that exploits have been found in already and to find sites with the vulnerable version of that software.
- Inurl searches for sites with the text after the colon (:) in their url. eg inurl:index.php?page= will get result websites like
- Intitle searches for sites with the text after the colon in their page title. eg intitle:FuBar_V2.0 will bring up websites with FuBar_V2.0 as the page title.
- Intext searches for site containing the text after the colon within the text. eg intext:Email_Administration_Panel_V3.0 will get results with that in the page.