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Perl/Basics/Boolean Logic/Bitwise Manipulations

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Perl's bitwise manipulations cover the syntax for performing bitwise math on variables.


  • & - The AND operator.
my $num = 10;
$num = $num & 25;
print $num . "\n";


  • ~ - The NOT operator
my $num = 10;
$num = ~$num;
print $num . "\n";


  • | - The OR operator
my $num = 10;
$num = $num | 25;
print $num . "\n";


  • ^ - The xor (exclusive or) operator
my $num = 10;
$num = $num ^ 25;
print $num . "\n";

Bit Shifting

  • << - The shift left operator
  • >> - The shift right operator

<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">my $num = 10; $num = $num << 2; #Shift left two bits $num = $num >> 2; #Shift right two bits print $num . "\n"; </syntaxhighlight>

Bit Rotation

Perl bit rotation requires the Bit::ShiftReg package from CPAN. More information available there.