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Gentoo Installation

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Revision as of 19:19, 24 November 2011 by EnriqueBlackston (Talk | contribs) (Hard Drive Setup)

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Gentoo is a source-based linux distribution.source-based means every application is compiled locally.

You can download a copy of gentoo Here

To install gentoo you will need to create a bootable LiveCD or LiveUSB.

There are many ways one could create a LiveCD or LiveUSB, but that is outside of the scope of Gentoo Installation

Virtual Machine Setup

If you want to set up Gentoo within a virtual machine you will need at least:

  • Around 512MB to 1GB of RAM
  • At least 10GB HDD
  • Networking features enabled

And preferably multiple cores on an x86_64 processor

Hard Drive Setup

  ls /dev | grep sd
  cfdisk /dev/sda

cfdisk will then bring you into an ncurses gui. Use cfdisk to:

  • Create 100MB Partition Bootable at the Beginning
  • Create 2048MB Partition at the beginning
  • Create remaining free space partition at the beginning

Choose to Write tables to disk, and then exit.

mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda1
mkswap /dev/sda2
mkfs.reiserfs /dev/sda3
mount -t reiserfs /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo ; cd /mnt/gentoo

for the below line, you can simply press the TAB button after stage3 and it will automatically complete the command, just press enter to confirm it

tar xvpjf stage3*
swapon /dev/sda2
cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf

Okay, now you've set up your hard drives, downloaded a copy of gentoo on your live environment, and copied resolv.conf over.

 Before continuing make sure you can access the internet. 

you can test this by pinging google:

ping -c 2

if it isn't working, try the following:

c3el4.png you might need to do this each time you reboot
    ifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth0 up
    dhcpcd eth0