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Difference between revisions of "Cookies/Flags/Domain"

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(Created page with "Domain serves the opposite purpose of Path, that is, it expands a cookie's scope beyond the FQDN that set it, to a broader domain. Say you have a cookie that has been set by htt...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 07:40, 19 July 2012

Domain serves the opposite purpose of Path, that is, it expands a cookie's scope beyond the FQDN that set it, to a broader domain.

Say you have a cookie that has been set by By default, can't access it. But if the first wants to share it with the second, then by setting, this cookie is also obtained by

Note that if you specify another, same-level domain (that is, sets a cookie with, the result is not guaranteed, as your browser might reject this cookie.

Savitri says
this is to be checked and tested extensively, as it might be an interesting vector