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Reaver is a brute forcing WPS destroyer. Utilizing a security flaw in wireless security which was only revealed in 2011, Reaver systematically works its way through 10,000 feasible PIN numbers and as most wireless routers have this enabled by default, it proves to be a most successful wireless penetration tool. If you want a history lesson regarding Reaver, go google it. Here is how we use it.

First up, this relies on you having a linux box, a wireless card that supports packet injection and the aircrack-ng tool suite installed. If you're still on a windows system I'd suggest getting linux asap. These days it's a piece of cake to make a live usb and with distros like ubuntu the transition from windows isn't a big deal.

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This article was written using inappropriate person, but has otherwise good content. Please forgive (but preferrably correct) uses of I, we, us, you, etc.