MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "query": {
        "pages": {
            "211": {
                "pageid": 211,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "API",
                "revisions": [
                        "user": "LashawnSeccombe",
                        "timestamp": "2012-08-07T18:40:55Z",
                        "comment": "",
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "{{expand}}\n<b>A</b>pplication <b>P</b>rogrammable <b>I</b>nterface\n\nAn API is a component for a specific piece of software which enables other software to communicate with it.  It can also be defined as a group of functions provided for a programmer to call either locally or remotely using a defined calling convention.  For example, if you wanted to write some code to embed Google Maps into your website, you would have to read about the Google Maps API, then write code that makes requests to the Google Maps servers using the API protocols, which in result would allow you to embed Google Maps onto your website.\n\n= API technologies =\n\n== The Web ==\n=== Web services ===\nWeb services use the [[HTTP]] [[protocols|protocol]] verbs (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE...) to propose read-only or read/write access to data services.\n\n=== Remote Procedure Calls ===\n[[RPC]] is a technology used to call remote procedures (pieces of code) and to retrieve the results, most often over a network. Using a RPC technology ([[Corba]], [[RMI]]...) one may call a function with arguments to a remote service, and retrieve the result in normalized form, bypassing the endianness and other cross-platform issues.\n\n== General software ==\n=== Software Libraries ===\n\n=== COM objects (Windows) ===\n[[Category:Programming]]"
            "1": {
                "pageid": 1,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Main Page",
                "revisions": [
                        "user": "User",
                        "timestamp": "2015-06-04T02:10:57Z",
                        "comment": "",
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "<center><table style=\"border:.5em solid #aaaaaa; border-radius:.9em; -o-border-radius:radius|.9em; -icab-border-radius:.9em; -khtml-border-radius:.9em; -moz-border-radius:.9em; -webkit-border-radius:.9em; background-color:background|#dddddd; width:100%;\"><tr><td>\n<center><big>'''Articles'''</big>\n\n----\n''[[shellcode]] &bull; [[countermeasures]] &bull; [[administration]] &bull; [[exploitation]] &bull; [[programming]]''\n\n\n\n'''[[Compiled language]]s'''\n\n[[assembly]] &bull; [[linux assembly]] &bull; [[C]] &bull; [[CPP|C++]] \n\n\n'''[[application|Software]] [[Exploitation]]'''\n\n[[Buffer overflow|Stack overflows]] &bull; [[Shellcode/Loaders|shellcode loaders]] &bull; [[null-free shellcode]] &bull; 32-bit [[ascii shellcode]] &bull; 64-bit [[Shellcode/Alphanumeric|alphanumeric shellcode]] &bull; [[unsafe string replacement]] &bull; [[Shellcode/Self-modifying|Self-modifying shellcode]] &bull; [[Shellcode/Dynamic|dynamic shellcode]] &bull; [[Shellcode/Socket-reuse|socket reuse]]\n\n\n'''[[Interpreted languages]]'''\n\n[[Perl]] &bull; [[Python]] &bull; [[PHP]] &bull; [[Ruby]] &bull; [[LUA]] &bull; [[Bash book|The bash book]] &bull; [[SQL Orientation]] &bull; [[Polymorphic|Examples of polymorphism]]\n\n\n'''[[Web Exploitation]]'''\n\n[[SQL injection]] &bull; [[XSS]] &bull; [[Cookies]] &bull; [[File inclusion]] &bull; [[Command Injection|Command injection]] &bull; [[CSRF]] &bull; [[XSRF]] &bull; [[XSCF]] &bull; [[Cold Fusion Hacking|Coldfusion hacking]] &bull; [[SQL Backdoors]]\n\n\n<small>([[:Category:Indexing|The Index]]) ([[:Category:Requested_maintenance|Contribute]])</small></center></td></tr></table></center>\n\n\n\n{|style=\"border:.5em solid #aaaaaa; border-radius:.9em; -o-border-radius:radius|.9em; -icab-border-radius:.9em; -khtml-border-radius:.9em; -moz-border-radius:.9em; -webkit-border-radius:.9em; background-color:background|#dddddd; width:100%;\"\n!colspan=\"6\" align=\"center\"|<big>'''Tools</big>\n----\n|-\n|valign=\"top\"|'''[[Vanguard]]'''\n|valign=\"top\"|''[[Web Exploitation|web application vulnerability]] testing engine written in [[perl]] with LibWhisker2 support''\n|\n|valign=\"top\"|'''[[Jynx2]]'''\n|valign=\"top\"|''Version 2.0 of the classic [[LD_Preload]] userland rootkit written in [[C]]''\n|-\n|valign=\"top\"|'''[[Bleeding Life]]'''\n|valign=\"top\"|''[[PHP]] and [[MySQL]] based browser [[buffer overflow]] exploit pack''\n|\n|valign=\"top\"|'''[[Kolkata]]'''\n|valign=\"top\"|''Configurable [[perl]] scanner that analyzes [[cryptography|checksums]] to perform fingerprinting on web applications with static file analysis''\n|-\n|valign=\"top\"|'''[[GScrape]]'''\n|valign=\"top\"|''Google scraper written in [[perl]] for rapidly identifying vulnerable websites and generating statistics''\n|\n|valign=\"top\"|'''[[]]'''\n|valign=\"top\"|''Given a [[File inclusion|file inclusion]] vulnerability, this [[Perl]] script will spawn a shell''\n|-\n|valign=\"top\"|'''[[MySql 5 Enumeration|Mysql5 enumerator]]'''\n|valign=\"top\"|''Automatically map contents or query a remote database given a URL vulnerable to [[SQL injection]] with this [[perl]] script''\n|\n|valign=\"top\"|'''[ Social Network Redirection Utility]'''\n|valign=\"top\"|''Rickroll your friends with [[XSCF|content-forged]] image redirects''\n\n|}"