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User talk:Hatter

From NetSec
Revision as of 00:44, 6 August 2012 by D1551D3N7 (Talk | contribs) (=Thanks)

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Sure man, I can do some gdb guides. I don't do much on windows OS so I'll prob leave the Olly wikis for someone else. --Inphekt 08:15, 18 May 2012 (MSK)


I made your template at Template:Add. Sorry for bailing on IRC, my internet is being wonky as fuck tonight, and MIRC freaked out and quit itself. I'll be on tomorrow for sure so long as my net permits. Also I'll sexify that template more when I have a stable connection. Mike (Talk) 08:52, 19 May 2012 (MSK)

c3el4.png This page needs talking at hatter, and will be updated with it shortly.

Thanks for your patience.


Hey, I was really interested in that wallpaper you mentioned yesterday, but I haven't been able to get into irc all day, so I never got to see it. Could you hook me up with a link somewhere or something? Would be awesome. --Mutiny 08:04, 12 June 2012 (MSK)


Would have said this to you on IRC but I got banned for wiki channel really fast. Thanks for giving me this information #D1551D3N7# 02:44, 6 August 2012 (MSK)